英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室479 ニュース番組の英語 日常で使えるフレーズ240





Jordan, I’ve been watching a lot of American news to improve my English listening skills, and I’ve noticed that newscasters tend to use specific phrases quite often. Can you help me understand these common phrases and their contexts?

Absolutely, Alex. News anchors and reporters use a set of standardized phrases to convey information clearly and concisely. These phrases are designed to transition between stories, introduce new topics, and clarify points for viewers. Let’s go through some of them.

That sounds useful. What’s a common phrase to start the news? At the beginning of a news broadcast, anchors often start with greetings followed by a brief introduction. Phrases like “Good evening, and thank you for joining us,” or “Welcome to CNN. I’m Anderson Cooper.” This sets a formal yet inviting tone for the viewers.

I see. And how do they introduce new stories? When introducing a new story, anchors often use phrases that signal a transition while summarizing the news piece. They might say, “Turning now to our top story tonight,” or “In national news, a major policy change was announced today.” This helps keep the flow of the broadcast smooth and prepares viewers for a change in topic.
なるほど。また、新しいストーリーをどのように紹介しているのでしょうか?新しいネタを紹介するとき、キャスターはニュースの内容を要約しながら、転換を告げるフレーズを使うことが多い。"今夜のトップニュースに移りましょう "とか、"国内ニュースでは今日、大きな政策変更が発表されました "とか。こうすることで、放送の流れをスムーズに保ち、視聴者に話題の転換を予感させることができる。

That makes sense. What about when they want to provide additional details or context? For additional details, a newscaster might use phrases like “Here’s what we know,” or “Details are still emerging, but here’s the latest update on the hurricane approaching Florida.” These phrases indicate that the information is current and possibly still developing. It’s a way to add depth to the initial headline without overwhelming the viewer right away.

And are there specific phrases used before showing interviews or quotes? Yes, before showing an interview or a quote, newscasters often introduce the source to establish credibility. They might say, “We spoke with Dr. Jane Smith, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University, who says...” or “In an exclusive interview, Governor John Doe revealed...” This sets up the importance of the upcoming information and why the viewer should pay attention.

What about ending a news segment? Concluding a segment, anchors often use phrases that indicate a wrap-up and a segue to the next part of the broadcast. They might say, “That’s all for this story, but stay tuned for our upcoming sports update,” or “More on this as it develops. Up next, how local businesses are coping with the new regulations.”

That's enlightening. How do they end the entire news broadcast? To end the broadcast, anchors commonly use formal and courteous phrases to thank the viewers and say goodbye. They might say, “Thank you for watching ABC News. I’m David Muir. Have a great evening,” or “That’s our time for tonight, but we hope to see you back here tomorrow. Goodnight.”
勉強になります。ニュース番組の最後はどのように締めくくるの でしょうか?放送を終えるとき、キャスターは視聴者に感謝し、別れを告げるために、フォーマルで丁寧なフレーズを使うのが一般的だ。例えば、「ABCニュースをご覧いただきありがとうございました。デービッド・ミュアでした。素晴らしい夜をお過ごしください」、「今夜の放送はこれで終わりですが、また明日ここでお会いしましょう。おやすみなさい」 と言ったりする。

Jordan, this has been incredibly helpful. I feel like understanding these phrases will not only improve my listening skills but also help me grasp the structure of news broadcasts better.

I’m glad to hear that, Alex. Watching news broadcasts is an excellent way to hear formal English in action. Keep practicing, and you’ll find that you can follow along more easily over time.


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