英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室575 災害への備え 日常で使えるフレーズ288





Jordan, living in an area prone to earthquakes, I’ve been thinking a lot about disaster preparedness. Can you help me understand how to effectively prepare for such events?

Absolutely, Alex. Preparing for earthquakes and other disasters is crucial for minimizing risk to yourself and your family. It involves understanding the hazards, creating a plan, and assembling the necessary supplies and knowledge to stay safe.

What’s the first step in preparing for an earthquake? The first step is to assess the risk in your area. Understand the type of disasters most likely to occur and tailor your preparedness accordingly. For earthquakes specifically, you should know the seismic history of your region and the building codes that pertain to earthquake resilience.
地震への備えとして、まず何をすべきでしょうか? まず、ご自身の地域のリスクを評価することです。 起こりやすい災害の種類を把握し、それに応じて備えを整えましょう。 特に地震に関しては、地域の過去の地震の歴史と、耐震性に関する建築基準法について知っておくべきです。

Once I understand the risks, what should I do next? Next, you should create an emergency plan. This plan should include safe places in your home to take cover during an earthquake—generally, these are under sturdy furniture or against an interior wall away from windows that can shatter. Make sure all family members know the plan, including how to exit the home safely after the shaking stops.

What about emergency supplies? You’ll need to assemble an emergency kit that includes the essentials to get you through the first few days after a disaster. This should include water (one gallon per person per day for several days), non-perishable food, a flashlight, a first aid kit, extra batteries, medications, and copies of important documents. Don’t forget about specific needs like pet supplies or baby items.

How can I make my home safer? To earthquake-proof your home, secure heavy furniture and appliances to the walls using straps or anchors. Install latches on cabinets to prevent contents from falling out and secure picture frames and mirrors to prevent them from falling. Also, consider where you place heavy objects, keeping them on lower shelves if possible.
自宅をより安全にするにはどうすればよいでしょうか? 地震対策として、重い家具や家電製品はストラップやアンカーを使って壁に固定します。 キャビネットにはラッチを取り付けて中身が落ちないようにし、額縁や鏡は落下防止のために固定します。 また、重い物をどこに置くか検討し、可能であれば下の棚に置くようにします。

What about preparing financially? Financial preparedness is also important. Consider purchasing earthquake insurance if it's available and applicable to your area. Also, have some cash on hand, as ATMs and credit card systems may not be operational following a major disaster.

Are there ways to stay informed during an emergency? Yes, staying informed is key. Have a battery-powered or hand-crank radio to receive updates from local authorities. Nowadays, many jurisdictions offer emergency alert services that can send instant messages to your mobile device during disasters.
緊急時に情報を入手する方法はありますか?はい、情報を入手することが重要です。 自治体からの最新情報を受信するために、電池式または手回し式のラジオを用意しておきましょう。 現在では、多くの管轄区域が災害時にモバイルデバイスに即時メッセージを送信できる緊急警報サービスを提供しています。

How often should I review and update my preparedness plan? It’s wise to review and update your emergency plan and supplies at least once a year. Check for expired items in your emergency kit and update personal information and documents as needed. It’s also a good idea to participate in community preparedness drills if they’re available in your area.

Thanks, Jordan. This information makes me feel more prepared and confident that I can handle an earthquake or other disaster scenarios. You're welcome, Alex! Remember, being prepared is the best defense against disasters. It not only ensures your safety but also helps you recover more quickly after the event.


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