英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室509 海の生物名 日常で使えるフレーズ255





Jordan, I’m currently working on a marine biology project, and I realized that I need to expand my vocabulary related to sea creatures. Can you help me learn some essential English names for various marine animals?

Absolutely, Alex. Learning the names of sea creatures not only enriches your vocabulary but also enhances your understanding of marine biodiversity. Let’s start with some basic categories and move to more specific examples.

That sounds like a plan. What are some broad categories I should know? Firstly, understanding the classification like 'fish', 'mammals', 'invertebrates', and so on, is useful.

For fish, you have species like "salmon", "tuna", and "halibut". Marine mammals include creatures like "dolphins", "whales", and "seals". Invertebrates, which don’t have a backbone, include "jellyfish", "octopuses", and "sea urchins".

I see. Could you tell me more about some specific fish species? Of course. The "clownfish", famously known from the movie 'Finding Nemo', is popular for its vibrant orange and white stripes. Another interesting fish is the "lionfish", which has striking body markings and venomous spiky fin rays. For something larger, there's the "swordfish", known for its elongated, flat bill.

Those descriptions are helpful. What about marine mammals? Marine mammals are fascinating. The "blue whale", the largest animal on the planet, is always a standout. Then there's the "orca" or "killer whale", known for its distinctive black-and-white coloring and prowess as a marine predator. "Manatees", often referred to as sea cows, are known for their gentle nature and slow movement.

What about some less common marine creatures? Sure, exploring lesser-known creatures, we find the "leafy sea dragon", which mimics seaweed to camouflage itself from predators. Another interesting creature is the "giant squid", known for its enormous size and elusive nature. And let’s not forget about the "vampire squid", which has a dramatic name and can live in the deep, oxygen-poor waters.
あまり知られていない海洋生物についてはどうでしょうか? 確かに、あまり知られていない生物を探してみると、「リーフィーシードラゴン」という、捕食者から身を守るために海藻に擬態する生物が見つかります。 また、その巨大なサイズと捉えどころのない性質で知られる「ダイオウイカ」という興味深い生物もいます。 さらに、そのドラマチックな名前と、酸素の少ない深海に生息するという特徴を持つ「コウモリダコ」も忘れてはなりません。

Are there any useful phrases for talking about these animals in a scientific or educational context? When discussing marine life, phrases like "habitat", "predatory behavior", and "conservation status" are useful.

For example, you might say, “The habitat of the green sea turtle spans tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide.” Discussing conservation, you might mention, “The hawksbill turtle is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.”

This has been incredibly informative, Jordan. I feel more prepared for my project now. You're welcome, Alex! I'm glad I could help. Remember, the more you delve into the subject, the more you’ll learn about the incredible diversity of marine life. Plus, using these terms in context is the best way to solidify your understanding and retention. Good luck with your project!


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