英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室541 会議で使う英語 日常で使えるフレーズ271





Jordan, I've recently started attending more business meetings in English, and I find it challenging to keep up with the common phrases and vocabulary. Can you help me understand the key terms and phrases that are frequently used?

Absolutely, Alex. Mastering the language used in business meetings can significantly enhance your ability to participate effectively. Let’s discuss some essential vocabulary and phrases that you’ll likely encounter.

That would be great. What are some basic terms I should know? Well, starting with agenda, which refers to the list of items to be discussed in a meeting. You might hear, “Let’s review the agenda,” at the start.
それはいいですね。知っておくべき基本的な用語は何ですか? まず、会議で話し合う項目のリストを指す「アジェンダ」があります。会議の冒頭で「アジェンダを確認しましょう」という言葉を耳にすることがあるかもしれません。

Another key term is minutes, which are the official record of the proceedings in a meeting. You may be asked to “take minutes” or someone might say, “Let’s circulate the minutes of the last meeting.”

I’ve heard those terms before but wasn’t sure what minutes referred to. What about phrases for participating in discussions? In discussions, it’s useful to know phrases like “I’d like to add that...” or “May I chime in?” when you want to contribute. If you need clarification, you might say, “Could you elaborate on that?” or “Can you clarify what you mean by...?”

Those seem helpful. And if I have to lead a meeting? Leading a meeting requires a good grasp of directive phrases. For example, you might start with “Let’s get started,” or “Shall we begin?” To transition between topics, you could use “Moving on to the next item,” or “Let’s turn our attention to...” Ending a meeting often involves summarizing the decisions made, so phrases like “To sum up,” or “In conclusion,” are very useful.

What about handling disagreements or conflicts? Handling disagreements tactfully is crucial. Phrases like “I see your point, but...,” or “Perhaps we can look at it from a different angle,” can show that you respect other opinions while offering an alternative. If things get heated, you might say, “Let’s take a step back,” or “Why don’t we table this discussion for now?”
意見の相違や対立が生じた場合はどう対処しますか? 意見の相違を巧みに処理することは非常に重要です。 「あなたの意見も分かりますが…」や「別の角度から考えてみましょう」などの表現は、相手の意見を尊重しながら、別の選択肢も提示できることを示します。 議論が白熱した場合は、「一歩下がって考えましょう」や「この議論はいったん保留にしませんか」と提案すると良いでしょう。

And how about following up after a meeting? Post-meeting follow-ups are often overlooked but are crucial. You might say, “I’ll send everyone a summary of today’s meeting,” or “Let’s schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss this further.” Using phrases like “Please prepare to update us on...” can ensure everyone comes prepared for the next meeting.
会議後のフォローアップはどうでしょうか?会議後のフォローアップはしばしば見落とされがちですが、非常に重要です。 「今日の会議の概要を全員に送ります」や「この件についてさらに話し合うためのフォローアップ会議を設定しましょう」などと伝えることができます。また、「進捗状況について報告をお願いします」などの表現を使用すれば、次の会議に向けて全員が準備万端で臨むことができます。

These phrases seem essential. How can I practice them to feel more natural? Practice makes perfect. Try simulating a meeting environment with colleagues or a language coach. You could even record yourself speaking these phrases to critique your pronunciation and usage. Additionally, watching business meetings or presentations online can help you see these phrases in context.
これらのフレーズは必須のようですが、より自然に感じるように練習するにはどうすればよいでしょうか? 練習あるのみです。同僚や語学コーチと会議のシミュレーションをしてみましょう。また、これらのフレーズを話しているところを録音し、発音や使い方をチェックするのも良いでしょう。さらに、オンラインでビジネス会議やプレゼンテーションを見ることで、これらのフレーズを文脈の中で理解することができます。

Thanks, Jordan. I appreciate the detailed breakdown, and I feel more equipped to handle my next meeting. You’re welcome, Alex! Remember, the key is confidence and practice. The more you use these phrases, the more naturally they’ll come to you during meetings. Good luck, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need further clarification on anything we’ve discussed.


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