英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室595 日本アニメの英語 日常で使えるフレーズ298





Jordan, I’ve been watching a lot of Japanese anime lately, and I’ve noticed that some English phrases have become really famous because of their use in these shows. Could we discuss some of the most iconic English phrases that have gained popularity through anime?

Definitely, Alex! Japanese anime has a global fanbase, and over the years, certain English phrases have become iconic, either because they’re repeated often in the series or because they’ve resonated with audiences around the world. These phrases often capture the essence of a character or a pivotal moment in the story. Let’s talk about a few of these famous phrases.

One phrase that I hear a lot is "Believe it!" from Naruto. It seems like it's become really famous. What’s the story behind it? "Believe it!" is indeed one of the most recognizable English phrases from anime. In the original Japanese, Naruto often says "Dattebayo," which doesn’t have a direct English translation but is used to give emphasis to his statements and reflects his energetic and determined personality. The English adaptation of Naruto translated this catchphrase to "Believe it!" to convey that same sense of determination and positivity. It became a signature phrase for Naruto, and it’s something fans immediately associate with his character.
よく耳にするフレーズに、ナルトの「Believe it!」があります。これはとても有名になったように思います。この言葉の裏話は何ですか?「Believe it!」は、アニメの英語フレーズの中でも最もよく知られているもののひとつです。日本語の原文では、ナルトは「だってばよ」とよく言いますが、これは直訳がなく、彼の主張を強調するために用いるもので、彼のエネルギッシュで決意に満ちた性格を表しています。ナルトの英語版では、この決めゼリフを「Believe it!」と訳し、同じような決意と前向きな感覚を伝えるようにしている。この言葉はナルトの代表的なフレーズとなり、ファンはすぐにナルトのキャラクターを連想することができる。

That makes sense. Another phrase I’ve come across is "I am justice!" from Death Note. Why did this phrase become so iconic? "I am justice!" is a powerful line from Death Note, spoken by the character Light Yagami. Light sees himself as a god-like figure, purging the world of evil by using the Death Note to eliminate criminals. This phrase encapsulates his sense of righteousness and his belief that his actions are justified. The phrase became iconic because it represents the central conflict of the series—Light’s battle with his own morality and the consequences of his absolute power. It’s also a line that fans love to quote because it’s so dramatic and central to Light’s character development.
それは納得できます。私が他に目にしたフレーズは、「I am justice!(僕は正義!)」という『デスノート』のセリフです。なぜこのフレーズがこれほどまでに象徴的なものになったのでしょうか?「I am justice!」は、『デスノート』の登場人物「ヤガミライト」が発した印象的なセリフです。ライトは、デスノートを使って犯罪者を排除し、世の中から悪を一掃する神のような存在であると自負しています。このフレーズは、彼の正義感と、自らの行動は正当化されるという信念を凝縮したものです。このフレーズは、ライトが自身の持つ道徳心と、絶対的な力を持つことによる結果との戦いを象徴するものとして、このシリーズの中心的な葛藤を表すものとして象徴的なものとなりました。また、ライトの性格形成の中心となるドラマチックなセリフであるため、ファンが好んで引用するセリフでもあります。

I’ve also heard people quote "It’s over 9000!" from Dragon Ball Z. What’s the significance of that phrase? "It’s over 9000!" is one of the most famous lines from Dragon Ball Z, specifically from the scene where Vegeta, one of the main characters, realizes the enormous power level of Goku during their battle. The line originally comes from the Japanese phrase "Over 8000," but it was changed to 9000 in the English dub, likely to make it sound more dramatic. The phrase quickly became a meme and is often used to describe something that’s incredibly powerful or exceeds expectations. It’s a great example of how anime phrases can enter popular culture and take on a life of their own.

It’s interesting how even simple phrases can gain such popularity. Are there any other English phrases from anime that have become well-known? Absolutely. Another one is "Bang!" from Cowboy Bebop. This is a word spoken by the protagonist, Spike Spiegel, at the very end of the series. It’s a simple word, but in the context of the show, it carries a lot of weight. Spike is a character who embodies coolness and nonchalance, and this final word is both a powerful statement and a fitting end to his story. Fans of Cowboy Bebop often reference this line because of the impact it had in the context of the series.

"Bang!" really is iconic, especially because of how it sums up Spike’s character. Any others that come to mind? Another famous one is "The world shall know pain" from Naruto Shippuden. This phrase is spoken by the character Pain, one of the series’ most formidable villains. The line encapsulates his philosophy and the suffering he intends to bring to the world in order to bring about peace. It’s a chilling statement that highlights the dark and complex themes of the show, making it a memorable quote among fans.

These phrases really show how much impact anime can have beyond just entertainment. Why do you think these English phrases resonate so strongly with fans? I think it’s a combination of factors. First, these phrases often capture the essence of a character or a pivotal moment in the story, making them memorable. Second, many of these lines are delivered with a lot of emotion and intensity, which leaves a lasting impression. Lastly, the global reach of anime means that these phrases get repeated and shared across different cultures, often becoming part of online communities and memes. As a result, they become part of the collective memory of anime fans worldwide.
これらのフレーズは、アニメが単なる娯楽を超えてどれほどの影響力を持っているかを如実に示しています。これらの英語フレーズがファンにこれほど強く響くのはなぜだと思いますか? さまざまな要因が組み合わさっていると思います。まず、これらのフレーズは、キャラクターの本質や物語の重要な瞬間をよく捉えており、印象に残りやすいのです。次に、これらのセリフの多くは感情を込めて力強く語られるため、強い印象を残します。最後に、アニメが世界的に普及しているため、これらのフレーズは異なる文化圏で繰り返し使用され共有されることになり、オンラインコミュニティや流行語のひとつとなることも多い。その結果、それらのフレーズは世界中のアニメファンの共通の記憶のひとつととして定着することになる。

That’s a great point. It’s amazing how a few words can carry so much meaning and become part of popular culture. Exactly, Alex. Anime has a unique way of blending storytelling, emotion, and character development, and these famous phrases are a reflection of that. They remind us of the power of words in storytelling and how a well-timed line can leave a lasting impact on audiences around the world.

Thanks, Jordan. This conversation has given me a deeper appreciation for the power of these iconic anime phrases. You’re welcome, Alex! It’s always fascinating to explore how language and culture intersect through something as creative and influential as anime. Enjoy your anime journey, and keep an ear out for more memorable lines!


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