英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室483 間を持たせる英語 日常で使えるフレーズ242





Jordan, I often find myself struggling to keep a conversation flowing smoothly, especially in English. Are there specific phrases I can use to help keep the dialogue going and avoid awkward silences?

Absolutely, Alex. Using transitional or filler phrases can be quite helpful in maintaining the rhythm of a conversation, giving you time to think and preventing those awkward pauses. These phrases can make you sound more fluent and can help bridge gaps between your thoughts.

That sounds like exactly what I need. Could you give me some examples of these types of phrases? Certainly. One common category is agreement and continuation phrases.

For example, when someone makes a point, you might say, “Absolutely,” or “That’s very true.” Then, you can add, “It also makes me think of…” or “That reminds me…” These phrases not only show that you’re engaged but also smoothly transition into your own contribution.
例えば、誰かが何かを指摘したら、"その通りですね "とか "その通りです "と言えばいい。そして、" それも考えさせられますが..." や "それを思い出すと..." と付け加えることができる。これらのフレーズは、あなたが参加していることを示すだけでなく、あなた自身に寄与しながらスムーズに移行します。

I see. What about when I need a moment to think about my response? In those moments, it’s useful to employ filler phrases like, “Let me think for a second,” or “That’s a good question.” These are natural pauses that signal to your listener that you are processing the conversation and preparing your thoughts. Another handy phrase is, “How should I put this?” which indicates you’re carefully considering your response.
なるほど。返答について考える時間が必要な場合はどうでしょう?そのようなときには、"Let me think for a second"(少し考えさせてください)とか、"That's a good question."(いい質問ですね)などのフィラーフレーズを使うと便利です。これらは自然な間合いで、あなたが会話を処理し、考えを準備していることを聞き手に伝えるものです。また、"How should I put this? "というフレーズも便利です。

Those are helpful for giving me a moment to think. Are there other phrases for changing the subject smoothly? Yes, changing the subject can sometimes be necessary, and doing it smoothly is an art.

Phrases like, “On a different note…” or “Changing gears for a moment…” can signal a transition without seeming abrupt. Another effective transition phrase is, “That brings to mind…” which can pivot the conversation to a related but new topic.
「On a different note...」や「Changing gears for a moment...」のようなフレーズは、唐突な印象を与えることなく、切り替えの合図を送ることができます。もうひとつの効果的な切り替えフレーズは、"That brings to mind... "です。

And what if I want to bring the conversation back to a previous topic? To circle back to a previous topic, you might use phrases like, “Going back to what we were talking about earlier…” or “To pick up on a point you made before…” These phrases help reconnect threads of the conversation, showing that you are actively listening and valuing the discussion points previously mentioned.
また、会話を前の話題に戻したい場合はどうすればいいのでしょうか?前の話題に戻るには、"Going back to what we were talking about earlier... "や "To pick up on a point you made before... "といったフレーズを使います。このようなフレーズは、会話の糸をつなぎ直すのに役立ち、あなたが積極的に話を聞き、前に述べた論点を大切にしていることを示します。

These phrases all seem very useful. How can I practice using them effectively? A good practice is to incorporate these phrases into your everyday conversations, even if it’s just with yourself or in a rehearsal setting. Watching English movies or TV shows can also be beneficial. Pay attention to how characters transition between topics and handle conversational lulls. Try mimicking their style in your own discussions.

Thanks, Jordan. This advice really opens up ways to improve my conversational English and make my interactions smoother. You’re welcome, Alex! Remember, conversation is a skill that improves with practice. The more you use these phrases, the more naturally they will come to you in conversation. Keep practicing, and you’ll see your fluency and comfort in English conversations improve significantly.


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