英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室485 マインクラフトの英語 日常で使えるフレーズ243





Jordan, I’ve started playing Minecraft recently, and I often find myself in online servers where English is the main language. I want to communicate effectively with other players. Could you help me understand some commonly used Minecraft terms and phrases?

Absolutely, Alex. Minecraft has its own unique vocabulary that reflects its world-building and survival elements. Let’s start with some basic terms that you might encounter frequently in the game.

That would be great! One of the most fundamental terms is "biome." In Minecraft, a biome is a region in the game world that has distinct geographical features, flora, and fauna. For example, you might come across terms like "desert biome," "forest biome," or "tundra biome."
それは素晴らしいですね!最も基本的な用語の1つに "バイオーム "があります。マインクラフトでは、バイオームとは、ゲーム世界の中で、明確な地理的特徴、植物相、動物相を持つ地域のことです。例えば、"砂漠バイオーム"、"森林バイオーム"、"ツンドラバイオーム "といった用語があります。

Got it, what about when I’m gathering materials? When collecting materials, players often talk about "mining" for ores, "chopping" for wood, or "farming" for food. You might hear phrases like, “I need to go mining for diamonds,” or “Let’s chop some trees for wood.” These activities are crucial for gathering resources needed for crafting and building.
では、素材を集めるときはどうだろう?素材を集めるとき、プレイヤーは鉱石を「採掘する」、木を「切る」、食料を「耕す」とよく口にする。"ダイヤモンドを採掘しに行こう "とか、"木を切って木材を集めよう "とか。これらの活動は、クラフトや建築に必要な資源を集めるために欠かせない。

And crafting is a big part of the game, right? Yes, crafting is essential. You’ll often come across the term "crafting table," which is a key tool where most crafting is done. Players might say, “I need to use the crafting table,” or “Can you put the crafting table down here?” You’ll also hear about specific recipes, like, “Do you know the recipe for a furnace?”
クラフトはこのゲームの大きな要素ですよね?そう、クラフトは欠かせない。よく "クラフトテーブル "という言葉が出てきますが、これはほとんどのクラフトができる重要な道具です。プレイヤーは "クラフトテーブルを使いたいんだけど "とか、"クラフトテーブルをここに置いてくれない?"と言ったりします。また、"炉のレシピを知ってる?"というように、特定のレシピについて聞くこともあります。

How about when interacting with other players? In multiplayer modes, communication is key. Common phrases include asking for help or coordinating activities, like “Can you help me build this house?” or “Let’s go exploring together.” You might also need to trade with others, so saying, “Do you have any iron to trade?” or “I need some food, what do you need in exchange?” can be useful.
他のプレーヤーとの交流はどうだろう?マルチプレイヤーモードでは、コミュニケーションが重要です。"この家を建てるのを手伝ってくれない?"とか、"一緒に探検に行こうよ "とか。また、他のプレイヤーと交換する場合もあります。"交換する鉄はある?"とか "食料が必要なんだけど、代わりに何が必要?"と言うと便利です。

And if I encounter enemies or dangers? Minecraft has its share of dangers. Players often warn each other about hostile creatures or environmental hazards. You might hear, “Watch out, Creeper behind you!” or “There’s lava below us.” These warnings are crucial for survival in the game.
敵や危険に遭遇したら?Minecraftには危険がつきものです。敵対する生き物や環境の危険について、プレイヤー同士で警告し合うことがよくあります。"後ろにクリーパーがいるよ!"とか、"下に溶岩があるよ "とか。これらの警告は、ゲーム内で生き残るために非常に重要です。

What about phrases for ending the gaming session? When players are logging off, they often say, “GG” which stands for “Good Game.” It’s a sign of good sportsmanship. Or, they might say, “I’m heading off, see you next time,” to let others know they’re done playing for the day.
ゲームセッションを終了するときのフレーズはどうでしょうか?選手たちはログオフするとき、よく "GG "と言います。"GG "は "Good Game "の略です。これはスポーツマンシップの表れです。あるいは、「行ってきます、また今度」と、その日のプレーが終わったことを周囲に知らせることもある。

Jordan, this has been incredibly helpful. Understanding these terms and phrases will definitely make my Minecraft experience more enjoyable and social.

I’m glad to hear that, Alex. Remember, like any language, the language of Minecraft gets easier the more you use it. Enjoy building and exploring, and you’ll find that communicating with other players becomes second nature.


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