英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室465 TOEIC解けない時の対策 日常で使えるフレーズ233





Jordan, I'm preparing for the TOEIC, and sometimes I come across questions that I just can't seem to solve. It can be really frustrating. Do you have any strategies or tips on how to handle these tough questions?

Absolutely, Alex. It’s a common issue, but there are several strategies you can use to tackle difficult TOEIC questions effectively. First, don't panic. It’s important to stay calm so you can think clearly. If you’re stuck on a question, it might help to skip it initially and come back to it later with fresh eyes.

That makes sense. Sometimes taking a break does help. What should I do when I return to a difficult question? When you revisit a tough question, try to break it down systematically.

Look for keywords or phrases that might give you clues. Ask yourself what exactly the question is asking and check if there are any words or parts you don’t understand. Sometimes, rephrasing the question in simpler terms can help clarify what’s required.

What if I’m still stuck after trying to break it down? If breaking it down doesn’t help, try eliminating clearly wrong answers. This is a technique called ‘process of elimination’. Often, you can remove at least one or two options that are obviously incorrect, which increases your chances of guessing the right answer from the remaining choices.

That’s a useful technique. Any tips on how to guess wisely? Definitely. When guessing, look for answers that are generally more neutral or widely applicable, especially in the reading section. Avoid extreme answers unless the question specifically calls for them. For vocabulary questions, think about word associations that might hint at the right answer.

Got it. And what about timing? I worry about spending too much time on tough questions. Good point. Time management is crucial in the TOEIC test. Give yourself a limit on how long you’ll spend on a difficult question.

If you're spending more than a minute or two without making progress, it’s better to make your best guess and move on. Remember, no single question will make or break your score, so it’s important to complete as many questions as you can.

I see. So, it’s about balancing accuracy and speed. Exactly. Balancing your time wisely allows you to address more questions, increasing your chances of a better overall score. Also, regularly practicing under timed conditions can help improve your speed and decision-making skills.

These tips really help, Jordan. I feel more prepared to tackle difficult questions without getting too stressed now. I’m glad to hear that, Alex. Practice these strategies during your study sessions, and you’ll likely find that difficult questions become less intimidating. Stay positive, and good luck with your TOEIC preparation!


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