英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室573 秦の始皇帝 日常で使えるフレーズ287





Jordan, I've been fascinated by ancient Chinese history lately, especially the figure of Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of China. Could you shed some light on his reign and achievements?

Certainly, Alex. Qin Shi Huang is a pivotal figure in Chinese history, known for unifying China for the first time in 221 BC. His real name was Ying Zheng, and he ascended to the throne of the Qin state at a young age. His reign marked the end of the Warring States period and the beginning of the Qin dynasty.

What were some of his major accomplishments? One of his most significant achievements was the standardization of various aspects of society. He standardized the Chinese script, which helped to unify and facilitate communication across the newly consolidated empire. He also standardized weights, measures, and even the width of cart axles to ensure roads were uniform.
彼の主な功績にはどのようなものがありますか? 彼の最も重要な功績の一つは、社会のさまざまな側面を標準化したことです。彼は漢字を標準化し、新たに統合された帝国全体でコミュニケーションを統一し、円滑化しました。また、道路を均一化するために、重さや測定単位、さらには荷馬車の車軸の幅まで標準化しました。

I heard he was also responsible for some major construction projects. Is that true? Absolutely. Qin Shi Huang is perhaps best known for initiating the construction of the Great Wall of China, although the version he built is mostly not what we see today. The purpose was to protect the northern border against nomadic invasions. He also commissioned a massive new palace and the famous Terracotta Army, which guarded his tomb.
彼はいくつかの大規模な建設プロジェクトも担当していたと聞きましたが、本当ですか? もちろん。秦の始皇帝は、万里の長城の建設に着手したことでよく知られていますが、彼が建設したものは、今日見られるものとはほとんど異なります。その目的は、北方国境を遊牧民族の侵略から守ることにありました。また、彼は巨大な新宮殿と、彼の墓を守るために有名な兵馬俑の制作も命じました。

Speaking of the Terracotta Army, could you tell me more about that? The Terracotta Army is one of the most astonishing archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.
秦の兵馬俑について、もう少し詳しく教えていただけますか? 秦の兵馬俑は、20世紀で最も驚くべき考古学的発見のひとつです。

It consists of thousands of life-sized clay soldiers, chariots, and horses found buried near Qin Shi Huang’s tomb. Each soldier has unique facial features, which suggest they might be modeled after actual people. This army was meant to protect the emperor in the afterlife.

How did he manage to maintain control over such a vast empire? Qin Shi Huang was known for his autocratic rule. He implemented a centralized bureaucracy that allowed him to wield enormous power and control. He abolished feudalism, replacing it with a system where appointed officials reported directly to the emperor. He also suppressed intellectual dissent, famously burning books and burying scholars alive to stifle opposition.

That sounds quite harsh. What was the public's reaction to his rule? His rule was indeed harsh and his methods draconian, which led to widespread dissatisfaction among the populace. This dissatisfaction eventually culminated in rebellions after his death. His son, who succeeded him, was unable to quell the uprisings, leading to the fall of the Qin dynasty shortly after Qin Shi Huang's death.
それはかなり厳しいですね。彼の統治に対する民衆の反応はどうでしたか? 彼の統治は確かに厳しく、その手法は厳格すぎたため、民衆の間に広範な不満が生じました。この不満は、彼の没後に反乱という形でついに頂点に達しました。 彼の後を継いだ息子は、反乱を鎮めることができず、秦の始皇帝の没後まもなく秦王朝は滅亡しました。

Despite the controversies, his legacy must have had a lasting impact on China? Yes, his policies and reforms, though harsh, did lay the groundwork for the future unification of China under subsequent dynasties. The administrative and bureaucratic systems he established served as a model for later emperors. His reign, albeit short, was a turning point that shifted Chinese history from the feudal age into imperial age.
論争はあったものの、彼の功績は中国に多大な影響を与えたのではないでしょうか? 彼の政策や改革は過酷なものだったとはいえ、後の王朝による中国の統一の基礎を築きました。彼が確立した行政・官僚制度は、後の皇帝たちの模範となりました。彼の治世は短かったものの、中国の歴史を封建時代から帝国時代へと転換する転機となりました。

This discussion really puts Qin Shi Huang's life and achievements into perspective. Thank you for such a thorough overview, Jordan. You're welcome, Alex! Qin Shi Huang is a complex figure, embodying both the visionary and the tyrant. His life and the artifacts he left behind, like the Terracotta Army, continue to fascinate historians and scholars around the world.
この話は、秦の始皇帝の人生と業績を正しく理解するのに役立ちます。 ジョーダン、詳しい解説をありがとう。 どういたしまして、アレックス! 秦の始皇帝は、先見の明と暴君の両方を兼ね備えた複雑な人物です。 彼の生涯と、彼が遺した兵馬俑などの遺物は、世界中の歴史家や学者を魅了し続けています。


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