英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室521 TOEIC入門 日常で使えるフレーズ261





Jordan, I’m considering taking the TOEIC test to evaluate my English proficiency for professional reasons. I'm not sure about the level of English required to start preparing for it. Could you help me understand what I need to know before diving into TOEIC preparation?

Absolutely, Alex. The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is designed to measure everyday English skills of people working in an international environment. To start preparing for TOEIC, you should have a basic understanding of English, especially in reading and listening, as these are the main components tested.
もちろん、アレックス。TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)は、国際的な環境で働く人々の日常的な英語力を測定するために考案されたテストです。TOEICの準備を始めるには、特にリーディングとリスニングの分野において、英語の基礎的な理解が必要です。なぜなら、これらの分野がテストの主な要素となっているからです。

What kind of basic understanding are we talking about? Ideally, you should be comfortable with common English vocabulary, basic grammar structures, and be able to understand and respond to simple questions about familiar topics.
どのような基礎知識が必要か? 一般的な英語単語、基本的な文法構造に慣れ、身近な話題に関する簡単な質問を理解し、それに対して返答できることが理想的です。

For example, you should know how to form sentences in various tenses, understand prepositions, conjunctions, and possessives, and have a vocabulary that covers everyday situations like shopping, dining, and traveling.

That makes sense. How can I assess my current level to see if I'm ready to start preparing for TOEIC? A good way to assess your current level is by taking an online English proficiency test. There are many free resources available that can give you a rough idea of your CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level. For TOEIC, a good starting point would be at least an A2 level, which means you can handle basic English conversations and understand straightforward written information.

What should be my focus when starting TOEIC preparation? Once you're comfortable with basic English, you should start focusing on improving your listening and reading skills, as TOEIC heavily tests these areas.
TOEIC対策を始める際に、何に重点を置くべきでしょうか? 基本的な英語に慣れてきたら、TOEICではリスニングとリーディングの能力が特に重視されるため、これらの能力の向上に重点を置くべきです。

For listening practice, listen to English podcasts, watch TV shows or movies in English, and try to understand the gist as well as specific information. For reading, start reading articles, emails, and short reports that are commonly found in workplace environments.

Are there specific materials or resources you recommend for TOEIC beginners? For beginners, TOEIC preparation books specifically designed for the test can be very helpful. These books usually provide practice tests, strategies for answering questions effectively, and exercises that mimic the test format. Additionally, there are online platforms like Testden that offer tailored TOEIC training programs.

How much time should I ideally devote to TOEIC preparation? The amount of time needed varies depending on your current level and learning speed, but a general recommendation would be to prepare for at least three to six months before taking the test. Try to engage in English activities daily—aim for at least an hour of focused study per day. Regular practice and exposure are key to improving your TOEIC score.
TOEIC対策に理想的な時間はどのくらいですか? 必要な時間は、現在のレベルや学習スピードによって異なりますが、一般的に試験を受ける3~6か月前から準備を始めることをお勧めします。 毎日英語学習に取り組み、1日最低1時間は集中して学習するようにしましょう。 定期的に練習し、英語に触れることがTOEICスコア向上の鍵となります。

Thanks, Jordan. This guidance gives me a clearer roadmap for starting my TOEIC preparation. You're welcome, Alex! Remember, consistency is crucial. Regularly test your skills with practice exams to monitor your progress and identify areas where you need more focus. Good luck with your TOEIC preparation—you’re on the right track!
ありがとう、ジョーダン。このアドバイスのおかげで、TOEIC対策を始めるためのロードマップが明確になりました。どういたしまして、アレックス! 忘れないでください。一貫性が最も重要です。定期的に模擬試験で自分のスキルをテストし、進捗を確認しながら、より重点的に取り組むべき分野を特定しましょう。TOEIC対策、頑張ってください! あなたは正しい道を進んでいます!


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