英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室539 生活に必要な英語 日常で使えるフレーズ270





Jordan, I’ve been trying to improve my everyday English for practical uses. Could you help me understand some essential words and phrases that might come in handy in daily life?

Absolutely, Alex. Knowing practical vocabulary can significantly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in daily situations. Let’s break down some useful categories and discuss specific words and phrases that you might find helpful.

That sounds great. Maybe we could start with some basic expressions for greetings and polite conversation? Sure! For greetings, basic phrases like “Hello,” “Good morning,” “Good afternoon,” and “Good evening” are indispensable. When leaving, you can say “Goodbye,” or more informally, “Bye,” “See you,” or “Take care.”

For polite conversation, phrases like “Please,” “Thank you,” “You’re welcome,” and “Excuse me” are crucial. These not only convey politeness but also show respect for the other person.

What about shopping? I often struggle with what to say in stores. When shopping, it’s useful to know phrases such as “How much is this jacket?” or “Can I help you find a pair of shoes?” If you’re looking for a specific item, you can say “Do you have wireless headphones?” or “Where can I find the sports section?” If you’re checking out at a store, a common question might be “Would you like a bag for your items?” or “Is this all for today?”

And if I’m at a restaurant? In a restaurant, starting with “I’d like to order the chicken salad, please” is a good way to begin. If you have dietary restrictions, you might need to ask, “Does this soup contain nuts?” Other useful phrases include “Can I have the bill, please?” and “Can we get some more water?”
レストランではどうすればいいですか? レストランでは、「チキンサラダを注文したいのですが」と注文するのが良いでしょう。 食事に制限がある場合は、「このスープにナッツは入っていますか?」と尋ねた方が良いでしょう。 他にも、「お会計をお願いします」や「お水をもう少しいただけますか?」といったフレーズも役に立ちます。

What if I need to ask for directions? Asking for directions is essential. You might start with “Excuse me, I’m looking for the post office. Could you tell me how to get there?” or “Could you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?” Knowing how to understand directions is equally important, so phrases like “Turn left at the next traffic light,” “Go straight until you reach the park,” and “It’s on your right, just past the coffee shop” are useful.

How about making appointments or speaking on the phone? For appointments, phrases like “I’d like to make an appointment for a haircut next Wednesday at 3 PM, is that available?” or “Is next Friday morning available for a dental checkup?” are common. On the phone, you might use “Could I speak to Dr. Smith?” or “Can you transfer me to the sales department?” Ending a call often involves “Thank you for your help,” or simply “Goodbye!”

These are really helpful! Any tips on how to practice these effectively? Practicing with a friend or tutor can be very beneficial. Try role-playing different scenarios like shopping, dining, or asking for directions. Apps and language learning platforms that simulate these situations can also be useful. The key is to use these phrases in context as much as possible, so they become second nature.

Thanks, Jordan. I feel much more prepared to handle daily interactions now. You're welcome, Alex! Keep practicing, and don’t hesitate to review and expand your vocabulary as you gain confidence. Remember, the more you use these phrases, the more natural they will feel. Good luck!


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