英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室583 TOEIC聞き取り術 日常で使えるフレーズ292





Jordan, I’m preparing for the TOEIC, and I find the listening section particularly challenging. Do you have any strategies to help improve my listening skills?

Absolutely, Alex. Enhancing your listening skills for the TOEIC is about exposure, practice, and understanding the format of the test. Let's discuss some specific techniques to help you improve.
もちろんです、アレックス。TOEICのリスニングスキルを向上させるには、テストに慣れ、練習を重ね、テストの形式を理解することが必要です。 それでは、スキルを向上させるための具体的なテクニックについてお話ししましょう。

That sounds great. What’s the first step? The first step is to familiarize yourself with the format of the TOEIC listening section. It consists of four parts: photographs, question-response, conversations, and short talks. Understanding what each part demands can help you focus your preparation effectively.

How should I practice for these different parts? For the photographs, practice describing images out loud in English. This helps you anticipate common vocabulary that might appear in the actual test descriptions. For the question-response part, listen to common dialogues and practice identifying key words that determine the context, such as who, what, when, and where.

What about the conversations and short talks? These parts require more sustained attention. Listen to sample conversations and lectures in English. Tools like TED Talks, podcasts, and English learning websites offer plenty of practice material. Focus on understanding the main ideas and details. Take notes on what you hear to practice distilling the important information quickly.
会話や短いスピーチについてはどうでしょうか? これらのパートでは、より持続的な注意が必要です。 英語での会話や講義のサンプルを聞いてみましょう。 TED Talks、ポッドキャスト、英語学習サイトなどのツールは、多くの練習素材を提供しています。 要点や詳細を理解することに集中しましょう。 聞いたことをメモして、重要な情報を素早く抽出する練習をしましょう。

Do you recommend any specific listening exercises? Yes, one effective exercise is shadowing. Play a short audio clip and try to repeat what you hear verbatim. This helps with both comprehension and speaking fluency. Also, try to complete listening comprehension exercises available in TOEIC preparation books or online platforms. These will help you get used to the type of questions asked in the test.

How often should I practice listening? Ideally, you should practice listening every day. Even just 15-20 minutes of focused listening practice can make a significant difference. The key is consistency. Regular exposure to spoken English will improve your ability to understand various accents, speeds of speech, and colloquial expressions.

Are there any tips for improving listening during the test itself? During the test, it's important to stay calm and focused. Read the questions carefully before you listen to the audio, as this will give you an idea of what information to listen for. If you miss something, don’t panic—focus on catching the next part. Sometimes you can gather enough context from the rest of the conversation to answer correctly.

What if I encounter unfamiliar words? If you come across unfamiliar words, try not to focus on them. Instead, concentrate on understanding the overall meaning of the sentences or conversation. Often, the meaning of the word becomes clear through context, or you may find that understanding every single word isn't necessary to grasp the main idea.

Thanks, Jordan. These strategies seem really practical. I’m going to start incorporating them into my study routine. You’re welcome, Alex! Remember, improving your TOEIC listening skills is a gradual process. Patience and persistent practice are your best tools. Keep practicing, and you’ll likely see your listening abilities improve over time.


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