英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室603 TOEICで出る語句 日常で使えるフレーズ302





Jordan, I’m getting ready for the TOEIC test, and I’ve noticed that certain words and phrases come up a lot. I think understanding these better would really help my score. Could we go over some of these common terms?

Of course, Alex. The TOEIC test definitely has its own set of frequently used vocabulary, especially since it’s focused on business and professional environments. You’ll encounter a lot of business-related words like “contract,” “deadline,” “negotiation,” and “invoice.” These are important because they reflect everyday business operations. For example, understanding how a contract works or what it means to negotiate terms can be crucial in answering some of the questions accurately.

I’ve seen those terms in practice tests, but sometimes I struggle with knowing how they fit into the larger context. How can I improve my understanding and usage of them? A great way to get better at this is by immersing yourself in business-related materials. Start reading business articles, reports, or even case studies where these words are used in context. This will help you see how these terms function within actual business scenarios.

Additionally, you could practice writing your own sentences or even short business emails using these terms. For instance, try writing about a scenario where you need to meet a deadline or negotiate a contract. This helps reinforce the vocabulary in your mind and makes it easier to recall during the test.

That sounds helpful. What about office-related vocabulary? I’ve noticed that words like “colleague,” “supervisor,” and “schedule” are pretty common, too. Yes, those are definitely frequent on the TOEIC. Office-related terms are important because many questions are based on workplace scenarios. You might need to understand a supervisor’s instructions, discuss a colleague’s role, or interpret a work schedule. It’s crucial to be familiar with the hierarchy within a company—terms like “manager,” “assistant,” and “department” often appear in questions that involve workplace dynamics.

I see. It’s important to know not just the words but also how they’re used in the context of a workplace. Exactly. Another area to focus on is customer service language, which is also a common theme on the TOEIC. Words and phrases like “customer satisfaction,” “refund,” “complaint,” and “product warranty” are often used in scenarios where you need to understand how to handle a customer inquiry or resolve a complaint. The key here is to be aware of how to communicate effectively and professionally, particularly when dealing with customer issues.

I’ve noticed those scenarios in the listening sections. How can I get better at those? Listening to customer service interactions can be very helpful. Try finding recordings of customer service calls or watching videos that simulate customer service scenarios. Pay attention to how the representatives respond to different situations, and note the vocabulary they use. Practice mimicking those phrases to get comfortable with them. For instance, instead of simply saying, “I can’t do that,” you might hear a customer service agent say, “I’m afraid that’s not possible, but here’s what I can offer.” This kind of polite, professional language is key for the TOEIC.
リスニングセクションで、そのようなシナリオに気づきました。 どうすれば、そのようなシナリオを上手くこなせるようになりますか? カスタマーサービスのやり取りを聞くことは、非常に役立ちます。 カスタマーサービスの電話の録音を探したり、カスタマーサービスのシナリオをシミュレーションしたビデオを見たりしてみましょう。 担当者がさまざまな状況にどう対応しているかに注目し、使用されている語彙をメモしておきましょう。 それらのフレーズを繰り返し練習して、慣れるようにしましょう。例えば、「それはできません」と単に言うのではなく、カスタマーサービス担当者が「それはできませんが、このようなことはできます」と言うのを耳にすることも多いでしょう。このような丁寧でプロフェッショナルな表現は、TOEICでは重要なポイントです。

That’s a great idea. What about financial terms? I find those particularly challenging. Financial vocabulary can be tricky, but it’s important because the TOEIC often includes questions related to business finances. Terms like “budget,” “revenue,” “expenses,” “profit,” and “loss” are common. You might need to analyze a company’s financial statement or understand a discussion about budgeting. A good way to get more comfortable with these terms is to read financial news, particularly articles that explain business performance or market trends. This will help you see how these terms are used in real-world contexts.

I’ll definitely start doing that. Is there anything else I should keep in mind as I prepare? Consistent practice is key. Make a habit of reading, writing, and listening to business-related content every day. Use flashcards to review vocabulary and take practice tests to get familiar with how these terms are used in TOEIC-style questions. Also, try to incorporate these words into your daily conversations or writing to make them more natural for you. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel when taking the test.
必ずそうします。準備するにあたって、他に留意すべきことはありますか? 重要なのは、継続的に練習することです。 毎日、ビジネス関連のコンテンツを読み、書き、聞くことを習慣づけましょう。 フラッシュカードを使って語彙を復習し、模擬テストを受けてTOEIC形式の問題でそれらの用語がどのように使用されるか慣れておきましょう。 また、これらの単語を日常会話や文章に組み込んで、より自然な表現になるようにしましょう。練習を重ねるほど、テストを受ける際に自信が持てるようになります。

Thanks, Jordan. This conversation has really given me a clearer picture of how to prepare for the TOEIC, especially when it comes to vocabulary. I’m glad to hear that, Alex. Just remember, the key is to engage with these terms in as many ways as possible—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. With consistent effort, you’ll see improvement, and you’ll be well-prepared for the test. Good luck with your studies! I appreciate it, Jordan. I’m feeling much more confident about my preparation now. You’re welcome, Alex. Keep up the hard work, and you’ll do great on the TOEIC!
ありがとう、ジョーダン。この会話のおかげで、特に語彙に関して、TOEICの準備の仕方がよくわかったよ。それはよかった。アレックス。覚えておいてほしいのは、重要なのは、リーディング、ライティング、スピーキング、リスニングなど、できるだけ多くの方法でこれらの用語に触れることだ。継続的に努力すれば、上達が見られ、テストの準備も十分にできるだろう。頑張って勉強してね! ありがとう、ジョーダン。準備に自信が持てるようになったよ。どういたしまして、アレックス。がんばり続けてください。TOEICで良い結果を出せるでしょう!


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