英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室461 パリの観光案内 日常で使えるフレーズ231





Jordan, I volunteer at a tourist information center in Paris, and I often need to assist people who speak English. I want to make sure I'm using the right words and phrases to be helpful. Can you guide me on some common terms and expressions that might come in handy?

Absolutely, Alex. It’s great that you’re helping out tourists! When assisting tourists, it’s essential to be clear, friendly, and informative. Starting with basic greetings like, “Hello, how can I help you today?” or “Welcome to Paris!” can make visitors feel at ease.

I often start with a simple greeting. What should I say if someone asks for directions? When giving directions, clarity is key. Use phrases like “Go straight ahead,” “Turn right at the corner,” “It’s on your right side,” or “You’ll see it in front of you after a few minutes.” It's also helpful to mention landmarks, so you might add, “You’ll pass Notre-Dame Cathedral on your left” or “It’s right next to the Louvre Museum.”
私はよく簡単な挨拶から始める。道を尋ねられたら何と言えばいいのでしょう?道案内をするときは、明瞭さが重要です。まっすぐ進んでください」、「角を右に曲がってください」、「右手にあります」、「数分後に正面に見えます」などのフレーズを使います。"ノートルダム大聖堂を左手に通り過ぎます "とか、"ルーブル美術館のすぐ隣です "など、目印になるものを付け加えるのも効果的です。

Got it. And if they need recommendations for places to eat or visit? For recommendations, it’s good to ask about their preferences to give more personalized information.

You could say, “What kind of cuisine do you enjoy?” or “Are you interested in museums, parks, or shopping?” Based on their interests, you could use phrases like “I recommend visiting the Eiffel Tower,” or “You should try Le Meurice, they have the best foie gras.”
"どんな料理がお好きですか?"とか、"美術館や公園、ショッピングに興味はありますか?"とか。相手の興味に基づいて、"エッフェル塔に行くことをお勧めします "とか、"ル・ムーリスに行ってみてください、フォアグラが最高です "といったフレーズを使うこともできる。

That’s useful. How about helping them with local transportation? Explaining transportation options is often necessary. You might say, “You can take the Metro from Châtelet Station; it’s the fastest way there,” or “If you’re going by bus, you’ll need to catch the number 24 and get off at Saint-Germain-des-Prés.” Always check if they need a map or further help to understand the routes.

Sometimes, tourists have trouble with local customs or language. How can I assist them with that? It's good to be prepared to explain local customs or useful phrases they might need.

You could say, “In our culture, it’s customary to greet with a light kiss on each cheek,” or “A useful phrase you might want to know is ‘Thank you’ in French, which is said like this: ‘Merci.’” Demonstrating how to say it can also be a big help.
「私たちの文化では、両頬に軽くキスをして挨拶する習慣があります」とか「知っておくと便利なフレーズとして、フランス語で『ありがとう』はこう言います: メルシー」 と言った感じで、言い方を実演することも大きな助けになる。

And if a tourist needs emergency assistance? In emergencies, it’s crucial to direct them clearly and calmly. Phrases like “I’m calling for help,” “Stay calm, and we will sort this out,” or “Follow me, I’ll take you to the nearest police station.” are important. Make sure they feel supported and not alone.

Thanks, Jordan. These phrases cover a lot of situations I might encounter. I feel better prepared now. You’re welcome, Alex. It’s all about making tourists feel welcome and supported during their visit. Your efforts at the information center are truly valuable. Keep practicing these phrases, and you’ll do great!
ありがとう、ジョーダン。これらのフレーズは、私が遭遇するかもしれない多くの状況をカバーしている。これで心の準備ができたよ。 どういたしまして、アレックス。観光客に歓迎され、サポートされていると感じてもらうことが大事なんだ。インフォメーションセンターでのあなたの努力は本当に貴重です。これからもこのフレーズを練習してください!


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