英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室503 旅行英会話 日常で使えるフレーズ252





Jordan, I’m planning a trip abroad soon, and I realized I need to brush up on some practical English phrases that might come in handy while traveling. Could you help me with that?

Absolutely, Alex. It’s a great idea to have a set of go-to phrases ready for your travels. They can help you navigate airports, hotels, restaurants, and even help in emergency situations. Let's start with some basic but essential travel phrases.

That sounds great. What should I know for arrival at the airport? When you arrive at the airport, you might need to ask for directions. Phrases like, “Where can I find the baggage claim?” or “Could you direct me to the check-in counter?” are very useful. If you’re looking to catch a connecting flight, you might ask, “Where is the gate for the flight to Tokyo?”

Got it. And how about checking into a hotel? At the hotel, you’ll want to know phrases for checking in and requesting services. For example, you can say, “I have a reservation under the name John Smith.” If you need something specific, you might ask, “Could I have an extra pillow, please?” or “Is breakfast included with my room?”

Those seem straightforward. What about dining out? In restaurants, it’s helpful to know how to order and ask questions about the menu. You could use phrases like, “I’d like to order the steak, please,” or “What do you recommend?” If you have dietary restrictions, it’s important to ask, “Does this soup contain nuts?” or "Is there dairy in this salad?" or "Does the bread include gluten?"
それらはわかりやすいように思える。外食の場合はどうだろう?レストランでは、注文の仕方やメニューについての質問の仕方を知っておくと便利です。「ステーキを頼みたいのですが 」とか、「おすすめは何ですか?」といったフレーズが使える。食事制限のある人は、「このスープにはナッツは入っていますか?」、「このサラダには乳製品は入っていますか?」、「パンにはグルテンは入っていますか?」と尋ねることが大切です。

I also want to shop and use public and public transportation. Any phrases for those situations? Certainly. For shopping, knowing how to ask for prices is crucial: “How much is this?” or “Can I get a discount?” might come in handy. When using public transportation, you might need to ask, “Does this bus go to the city center?” or “Where can I buy a ticket for the subway?”

And if I need help or in an emergency? For emergencies, it’s vital to know phrases like, “I need help,” “Can you call a doctor?” or “Where is the nearest hospital?” For less urgent help, saying “Could I get some assistance, please?” is polite and effective.
助けが必要なとき、緊急のときは? 緊急時には、「I need help」(助けが必要です)、「Can you call a doctor?」(医者を呼んでもらえますか)、「Where is the nearest hospital?」(最寄りの病院はどこですか)といったフレーズを心得ておくことが不可欠だ。緊急性が低い場合は、「Could I get some assistance, please? 」(助けをお願いします)と言うのが丁寧で効果的です。

These phrases will definitely make my trip smoother. How can I practice them to make sure I’m ready? A good practice strategy is to simulate travel scenarios at home.

You could create flashcards with these phrases or use language learning apps that focus on travel-specific vocabulary. Try practicing these phrases with a friend or a language tutor who can give you feedback on pronunciation and usage.

Thanks, Jordan. I feel more prepared now, and practicing these phrases seems like a fun way to get ready for my trip. You’re welcome, Alex! Remember, the key is confidence. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Most people will appreciate your efforts to speak their language. Have a great trip, and enjoy using your new phrases!


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