英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室477 ネイティブの英会話表現 日常で使えるフレーズ239





Jordan, I've been trying to sound more natural in my English conversations, especially since I interact a lot with colleagues from the US. Are there any specific expressions or slang that natives often use that could help me blend in more?

Absolutely, Alex. American English is full of idiomatic expressions, slang, and cultural references that can really make your language sound more native. Let’s start with some common conversational phrases and slang.

That sounds great! What are some everyday expressions I could start using? A good place to start is with greetings and responses. Instead of just saying "Hello" or "Hi," Americans often use "Hey" or "What’s up?" as a casual greeting. When asked "How are you?" a common response might be “I’m good, thanks!” or even just “Good!” even if you’re just feeling okay.
それはいいね!日常的に使える表現にはどんなものがありますか?まずは挨拶と返事から始めるのがいいでしょう。アメリカ人は単に "Hello "や "Hi "と言う代わりに、カジュアルな挨拶として "Hey "や "What's up? "をよく使います。”How are you? "と聞かれたら、"I'm good, thanks!"と答えるのが一般的かもしれません。

I hear "What's up?" a lot but wasn’t quite sure how to respond. That’s a great observation. When someone says "What’s up?" they’re often not asking directly about what you are doing but just saying hello. A typical response might be “Not much, just working,” or “Just the usual!” It’s more of a greeting than a question to be answered in detail.
"What's up?"ってよく言われるんだけど、どう答えたらいいかわからなかったんだ。それは素晴らしい意見です。誰かが "What's up? "と言うとき、多くの場合、彼らはあなたが何をしているかを直接聞いているのではなく、ただ挨拶をしているだけなのです。典型的な返事は、"大したことはないよ、ただ仕事してるだけ "とか、"いつも通りだよ! "って感じかもしれない。詳しく答えるべき質問というよりは、挨拶に近い。

Got it. What about making plans? Any tips there? When making plans, Americans tend to use very casual language. For example, instead of formally asking, "Would you like to go out for dinner?" a more casual approach could be “Wanna grab dinner?” or “How about we grab a bite to eat?”
了解。計画を立てるのはどうですか?何かコツはありますか?計画を立てるとき、アメリカ人はとてもカジュアルな言葉を使う傾向がある。例えば、"Would you like to go out for dinner? "と正式に尋ねる代わりに、"Wanna grab dinner? "や "How about we grab a bite to eat? "と、よりカジュアルな言い方をします。

That’s definitely less formal. Now, how about some phrases for agreeing with someone? Americans often use phrases like “Exactly!” or “Right?” to show agreement. Another common expression is “I know, right?” which is used to strongly agree with a statement someone else has made.
その方が堅苦しくない。では、誰かに同意するときのフレーズはどうだろう?アメリカ人はよく "Exactly!"や "Right? "といったフレーズを使って同意を示します。また、"I know, right? "もよく使われる表現で、誰かが言ったことに強く同意するときに使います。

And if I need to show I’m listening during a conversation? To show you're actively listening, phrases like “Gotcha,” which means "I understand," or simply “Uh-huh” are frequently used. You might also hear “Makes sense” or “I get it,” which not only show that you’re listening but also that you understand what’s being said.
会話中に聞いていることを示す必要がある場合は?積極的に話を聞いていることを示すには、"Gotcha"(了解しました)、あるいは単に "Uh-huh "といったフレーズがよく使われます。Makes sense "や "I get it "といったフレーズもよく使われますが、これは単に話を聞いているだけでなく、話の内容を理解していることを示すものです。

These are very helpful. Are there any expressions for expressing surprise or excitement? Definitely. Expressions like “No way!” or “Are you serious?” are commonly used to express surprise.

For excitement, you might hear “Awesome!” or “That’s amazing!” These expressions are very enthusiastic and common in everyday American English.
興奮を表す表現として、"Awesome!" や "That's amazing!" があります。これらの表現はとても情熱的で、日常的なアメリカ英語ではよく使われます。

Jordan, this has been incredibly informative. I feel like I have a better grasp of casual American English now. I’m glad to hear that, Alex. Remember, the key to mastering these expressions is practice. Try to incorporate them into your daily conversations, and soon they’ll feel natural. You’re on your way to sounding like a native!


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