英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室469 英語のパワーフレーズ 日常で使えるフレーズ235





Jordan, I've been working on improving my business English skills, and I've read that mastering certain "power phrases" can really enhance my effectiveness. Can you share some examples of these phrases and explain how they might be used?

Absolutely, Alex. Power phrases in business English are all about being clear, persuasive, and respectful. For example, starting a request with "I would appreciate it if you could..." is a great way to politely ask for something. It shows respect for the other person's ability to help and sets a cooperative tone.
もちろん、アレックス。ビジネス英語におけるパワーフレーズは、明瞭で説得力があり、敬意を表すものです。例えば、"I would appreciate it if you could... "で依頼を始めるのは、何かを丁重に依頼する素晴らしい方法です。相手の能力を尊重し、協力的な姿勢を示すことができます。

That sounds useful. What about when I need to express disagreement without being too direct or confrontational? In those cases, a phrase like "I see your point, however..." can be very effective. It acknowledges the other person's perspective before introducing your own contrasting viewpoint. This approach facilitates open dialogue and minimizes defensiveness.
それは便利そうですね。あまり直接的でなく、対立的でもなく、意見の相違を表現する必要がある場合はどうでしょう?そのような場合は、"I see your point, however... "のようなフレーズが効果的です。これは、自分の対照的な視点を紹介する前に、相手の視点を認めるものです。このアプローチは、オープンな対話を促進し、防衛を最小限に抑えます。

I see. And if I want to motivate my team or sound more encouraging, what should I say? To motivate and encourage, you could use phrases like "I'm confident that we can..." or "Let’s aim to achieve...". These phrases inspire confidence and focus on collective goals, which can help boost team morale and drive.

Those are great for teamwork. What about when I’m concluding a meeting or an email? Concluding with impact is crucial. You might end a meeting with "Let’s move forward with this plan; I trust everyone understands their responsibilities?" This clarifies that action is expected and reinforces accountability. In emails, closing with "Thank you for your attention to this matter," adds a note of gratitude and professionalism.

And how can I make suggestions without sounding too imposing? Offering suggestions diplomatically can be done with phrases like "Might I suggest that we...?" or "Perhaps we could consider...?" These phrases are gentle and open-ended, giving space for others to agree or offer alternatives.
また、押しつけがましく聞こえることなく提案をするにはどうしたらいいでしょうか?外交的に提案するには、"Might I suggest that we...?" や "Perhaps we could consider...?" といったフレーズを使います。これらのフレーズは穏やかでオープンエンドであり、他の人が同意したり、代替案を提示したりする余地を与えます。

What if I need to respond to a request that I can’t fulfill? It’s important to remain polite and helpful, even when declining a request. You might say, "Unfortunately, I’m unable to assist with this at the moment due to my current workload, but I can help you find someone else who might have the capacity to assist." Offering an alternative or referring them to someone else shows that you’re still supportive and constructive.

These phrases all sound very strategic. Any tips on how to practice them effectively? Practicing these phrases can be part of your daily interaction. Try using them in emails, meetings, and casual conversations at work. The more you use them, the more naturally they’ll come to you. Additionally, role-playing scenarios with a colleague or a coach can also be highly effective for real-time feedback and improvement.

Thanks, Jordan. This discussion has been incredibly enlightening. I feel better equipped to communicate with more influence and professionalism.

You're welcome, Alex! Remember, the key to utilizing power phrases effectively is not just about the words you choose but also about how you say them. Tone, timing, and context are just as important to ensure your message is received well. Good luck, and keep practicing!


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