英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室581 英作文のコツ 日常で使えるフレーズ291





Jordan, I’ve been trying to improve my English writing, especially for essays. I find it challenging to organize my thoughts and express them clearly. Do you have any tips?

Absolutely, Alex. Writing in English, especially academic or formal essays, involves clear structure and effective communication of your ideas. Let's break down some essential tips to enhance your writing skills.

That sounds great. Where should I start? First, always start with planning. Before you write a single word, spend some time brainstorming your topic. Create an outline of your main points. This helps ensure your essay has a logical flow and that you stay on topic throughout.

How detailed should this outline be? It should be detailed enough to guide your writing but flexible enough to allow for adjustments as your ideas develop. Typically, an outline includes an introduction where you state your thesis, the body sections where you outline your main arguments or points, and a conclusion that summarizes and restates your thesis in light of the evidence presented.
このアウトラインはどの程度詳細であるべきでしょうか? 執筆を導くのに十分な詳細さであるべきですが、アイデアが発展するにつれて調整ができるだけの柔軟性も必要です。 一般的に、アウトラインには、論文の主題を述べる序論、主な論点や主張の概要を述べる本文、提示された証拠を踏まえて論文を要約し、再び述べる結論が含まれます。

Got it. And when it comes to actually writing, how should I approach that? Start with your body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea or point. Begin with a topic sentence that clearly states the point of the paragraph, then provide support through data, examples, or quotes. Following this, a sentence or two should analyze the information provided and tie it back to your thesis.
わかりました。実際に執筆する際には、どのように取り組めばよいでしょうか? まず、本文のパラグラフから始めます。各パラグラフは、ひとつのアイデアやポイントに焦点を絞ります。パラグラフの要点を明確に述べるトピックセンテンスから始め、データ、例、引用などを用いてその内容を裏付けます。その後、1つか2つのセンテンスで、提供した情報を分析し、それを再び主題に結びつけます。

What about the introduction and conclusion? Your introduction should be engaging. It’s your chance to grab the reader’s attention. Start with a hook—a compelling fact, quote, or question. Then, introduce your topic and state your thesis. As for the conclusion, don’t just repeat your introduction. Instead, briefly summarize your main points and end with a strong closing statement that reinforces the importance of your argument or provides a call to action.
導入部と結論についてはどうでしょうか? 導入部は魅力的なものでなければなりません。 読者の注意を引くチャンスなのです。 説得力のある事実、引用、質問など、興味をそそるフックから始めましょう。 その後、トピックを紹介し、論文の主張を述べます。 結論については、導入部を繰り返すだけではいけません。 代わりに、主なポイントを簡単にまとめ、主張の重要性を強調したり、行動を促すような力強い結びの言葉で締めくくりましょう。

I struggle with vocabulary and expressions. Any advice there? Expanding your vocabulary is a continuous process. Read extensively—academic articles, essays, literature. This exposure naturally increases your vocabulary and gives you a feel for different writing styles and tones. Also, keep a vocabulary journal. Write down new words and their definitions, and try to use them in sentences to cement your understanding.

Are there tools or resources that might help? Yes, there are many. Tools like Grammarly can help with grammar and spelling checks. Thesauruses are useful for finding synonyms to vary your language and avoid repetition. Additionally, academic databases and online libraries can provide access to journals and books for research and reference.

How can I make sure my writing isn’t too simplistic? Aim for clarity over complexity. It’s a common misconception that good writing must use complicated sentences and advanced vocabulary. Clear and concise writing is often more powerful. Use complex sentences and vocabulary appropriately—ensure they add value to your argument rather than just complicating your prose.
文章が単純になり過ぎないようにするにはどうすればよいでしょうか? 複雑さよりも明瞭さを追求しましょう。 優れた文章は複雑な文章や高度な語彙を使用しなければならないという誤解はよくあるものです。 明瞭で簡潔な文章の方がより効果的な場合も少なくありません。 複雑な文章や語彙は適切に使用しましょう。文章を複雑にするのではなく、主張に価値を加えることを確認してください。

Thanks, Jordan. This advice really helps structure my approach to essay writing. You’re welcome, Alex! Remember, good writing is the result of revision and persistence. Don’t be afraid to write multiple drafts. Each revision is an opportunity to refine and clarify your ideas. Keep practicing, and you'll see your skills improve over time.


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