
Kyappy English ポッドキャスト

今回は英語学習用のポッドキャストということで、3~4分ほどの短い英語音声動画を自作で作りましたので、是非ご覧ください。 週に2回程度、定期的に出していきたいと思います。 構成…


Episode 46 ポイントビジネス

Introduction: Hello, my students. Welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme …

Episode 45 良いスピーチとは?

Introduction: "Hello and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme is 'What …

Episode 44 4月の新生活

Introduction: "Welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme is 'New life in Apr…

Episode 43 良い仕入とは?

Introduction: "Hello. Welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme is ' What is…

Episode42 行きたいレストランが休業日だった。

Introduction: "Hello, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme is ' The…

Episode 41 花粉と眠気

Introduction: "Hello there, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme is…

Episode40 会社の人事異動

Introduction: "Hello, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme revolves around ' Company Personnel Changes’. As we delve into the intricacies of Human Resources reshuffling in Japanese companies, let's explore the tradition

Episode39 最近の株高

Introduction: "Hello, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's focus is on ' …

Episode38 雪の一日

Introduction "Hello and welcome to another episode of my English learning podcast. Today…

Episode37 そろそろ髪を切らないと

Introduction Hello, there! Welcome to my English learning podcast! Today's topic is some…

Episode 36 ビジネスのリスク

Introduction Hello, welcome to another episode my English learning podcast! Today, we're…

Episode 35 料理の極意

INTRODUCTION Hi there! Welcome to another episode of my English learning podcast. Today…

Episode34 旅先での言葉

INTRODUCTION Welcome to my English learning podcast! Today, we're going to focus on trav…

Episode33 就寝前のルーティーン

INTRODUCTION Hi! Good evening! Tonight, we're diving into the world of bedtime routines. What we do before hitting the sack can impact our sleep quality. Let's explore some habits and what to avoid for a good night's rest. Small Discussio