1/5 Many US Workers Skip Lunch At Least Once a Week


what are your thoughts on ezCater's "Lunch Report"?

I feel a bit relieved after reading the ezCater's 'Lunch Report' because I often skip my lunch, and my co-worker has told me that I am unusual. However, this article reveals the reality that many Americans are like me. So, I shared it with my friend, even though it's not a happy realization.

Do you ever skip lunch? If so, how often and why?

Yes, I often skip lunch because I find it bothersome to go out and eat something. When I do go for lunch, it's usually something simple like grabbing a meal from a convenience store or going to a restaurant I'm familiar with. Even though I know it's important for my health, I find it hard to motivate myself to go for lunch.

How long is your lunch break? Where do you usually spend it?

If I decide to take a lunch break, it usually takes about two hours because I like to enjoy a cup of coffee after lunch and take my time away from work.

Do you ever eat your lunch at the desk?

Yes, I eat my lunch at my desk. The location of my company is a bit far from the restaurant area, making it inconvenient to walk there. Therefore, I usually buy some items from a convenience store and eat my lunch at my desk

How do you think your colleagues would react if you ate lunch during a meeting?

If I were to eat lunch during a meeting, my colleagues might be concerned that something is not as usual with me. In Japan, eating lunch during a meeting is not customary, and in some cases, even drinking may not be allowed.
