


Dear attendees!

I am addressing you from Kyiv, our capital, which has been fighting for a month already, just as our entire state.

Yes, it is true - we are not in the Alliance. Not in the most powerful defense union in the world. Not one of the 30 states under the umbrella of joint protection. Under the umbrella of Article 5. It feels like we are in the "gray zone". Between the West and Russia. But we defend all our common values. And we are bright people! And we have been defending all these values for a month now!
ええ、それが真実です。私達は同盟に加わっていません。世界で最も強い防衛の連合に。30ヶ国の合同の防御の傘のもとに入っていません。[北大西洋条約]第5条[集団的自衛権]の傘の下には。私達は「グレーゾーン」にいるような感覚です。西欧とロシアの間の。しかし、私達は[西欧とウクライナ]共通の価値観を防衛しているのです。私達は有望な国民です! あらゆる価値観を今や1ヶ月防衛しているのです!

A month of heroic resistance. A month of the darkest suffering.

A month of unpunished destruction of the peaceful state, and with it - the whole architecture of global security. All this is before the eyes of the whole world.

Over the decades, Russia has accumulated considerable resources, military resources, manpower and equipment, air bombs, missiles.

They invested crazy money in death while the world invested in life. But Ukraine is holding on bravely! At the cost of thousands of lives. At the cost of destroyed cities. At the cost of almost ten million migrants. Three and a half of them are already in your territories, in the territories of NATO countries. I am grateful for the support of these people. And people, unfortunately, continue to leave their homes. They are fleeing the terror that the occupiers brought with them.
世界が生命に投資した一方で、彼ら[ロシア]は正気ではない資金を、死に対して投資しました。しかしウクライナは果敢に持ちこたえています! 数千の人命を代償に。破壊された都市を代償に。1千万人近い移民を代償に。うち350万人が既に貴方がたの領土にいます。NATOの国々の領土です。そうした人々への支援に感謝します。残念ながら、今なお人々は家を離れています。占領者のもたらす脅威から逃げているのです。

The very first hours of the invasion meant brutal missile strikes for us. During the month of the war, Russia fired more than a thousand different missiles at our cities. Made hundreds of air raids.

On February 24, I addressed you with a perfectly clear, logical request to help close our skies. In any format. Protect our people from Russian bombs and missiles. We did not hear a clear answer. Ukraine does not have powerful anti-missile weapons, and has a much smaller aircraft fleet than Russia. Therefore, their advantage in the sky is like the use of weapons of mass destruction.

And you see the consequences today - how many people were killed, how many peaceful cities were destroyed.

The Ukrainian army has been resisting for a month in unequal conditions! And I have been repeating the same thing for a month now. To save people and our cities, Ukraine needs military assistance - without restrictions. As Russia uses without restrictions its entire arsenal against us. Destroys all living things. Any objects - from houses to churches, from food warehouses to universities, from bridges to hospitals.
ウクライナ軍はこの1ヶ月不利な条件で抵抗してきました! 私はこの1ヶ月同じ話を繰り返してきました。人々と街を守るため、ウクライナには軍事援助が必要です──制限なしの。ロシアは私達に対し自らの全兵器庫を制限なく使っています。そして生きとし生けるもの全てを破壊しています。あらゆる目標物を──家から教会、食品倉庫から大学、橋から病院に至るまで。

Ukraine asked for your planes. So that we do not lose so many people. And you have thousands of fighter jets! But we haven't been given any yet.
ウクライナは航空機[の提供]を要請しました。これほど多くの人々を失わないように。皆さんは数千の戦闘機を所持しています! しかし未だ一つも供与されていません。

We asked for tanks. So that we can unblock our cities that are now dying - Mariupol, Berdyansk, Melitopol, others. Cities where Russia is keeping hundreds of thousands of people hostage and artificially creating famine - no water, no food, nothing there.

You have at least 20,000 tanks! Ukraine asked for a percent, one percent of all your tanks to be given or sold to us! But we do not have a clear answer yet... The worst thing during the war is not having clear answers to requests for help.
貴方がたは少なくとも戦車2万台を保有しています! ウクライナはその1%、全体の1%を供与または譲渡するよう要請しました! しかしまだ明確な回答を得ていません……戦争において最も悪いのは、支援の要求に対し、明確な回答を得られないことです。

Ukraine never wanted this war. And does not want to fight for years. We just want to save our people. We want to survive! Just survive! Like any nation, we have the right to it. The right to life. The right to this one percent.
ウクライナは決してこの戦争を求めてはいませんでした。何年も戦いたいとも思いません。ただ、我々の国民を救いたいのです。生き延びたいのです! ただ生き延びたい! 他国と同様に、私達にはその権利があります。生存する権利が。1%に対する権利が。

And I do not blame NATO - I want to be clear. You are not guilty. It's not your missiles, it's not your bombs that are destroying our cities. This morning, by the way, there were phosphorus bombs. Phosphorus Russian bombs. Adults were killed again and children were killed again. I just want you to know that the Alliance can still prevent the deaths of Ukrainians from Russian strikes, from Russian occupation, by providing us with all the weapons we need.

Yes, we are not in the Alliance. And I do not make these claims. But Ukrainians never thought that the Alliance and the Allies were different.

That in matters of life and death you can be a force separately, but together - no. That NATO may be afraid of Russia's actions. I am sure you already understand that Russia does not intend to stop in Ukraine. Does not intend and will not. It wants to go further.

Against the eastern members of NATO. The Baltic states, Poland - that's for sure. Will NATO then stop thinking about it, worrying about how Russia will react? Who can be sure of that? And do you have confidence that Article 5 can work?
NATOの東部メンバーに向かって[進もうとしています]。バルト三国、ポーランド──間違いありません。ロシアがどう反応するか懸念して、NATOはそのことを考えるのをやめてしまうのでしょうか? 誰が確信を持てるでしょう? 第5条が機能するか確信がありますか?

"Budapest" hasn’t worked for us already. Our Budapest Memorandum. Has not worked for peace in Ukraine.

And I will tell you honestly - today Budapest is not working for peace in Ukraine as well. Yes, we receive help from individual members of the Alliance. I am very grateful. Ukrainians are sincerely grateful for this. To each of you who gives what you have, supporting us.

But what about the Alliance? The question of Article 5 is fundamental. I just want you to know what we think about it. And I sincerely wish you that we are wrong in our assessments and in our doubts. I sincerely wish that you actually have a very strong Alliance. Because if we are wrong, the world is safe. But if we are at least one percent right, I ask you to reconsider your attitude. Your own estimates. And really take care of security, security in Europe and, consequently, in the world.
しかし同盟についてはどうでしょうか? 5条の問題は重要です。私達の考えていることを知っていただきたいのです。我々の評価や疑念が間違っていることを心から願います。実際は強固な同盟であることを心から願います。私達が間違っているのなら、世界は安全だからです。しかしもし私達が1%でも正しいならば、考え直してもらうよう願います。皆さんの姿勢を、想定を。そしてヨーロッパの、ひいては世界の安全を監督することについて。

You can give us one percent of all your aircraft. One percent of all your tanks. One percent! We can't just buy it. Such a supply directly depends only on NATO's decisions, on political decisions, by the way.
貴方がたの所有する全航空機の1%を提供してください。全戦車の1%を。1%です! 私達がただ購入するのではなく、NATOの決定、政治的な決定に基づいて供給されるように。

MLRS systems. Anti-ship weapons. Means of air defense. Is it possible to survive such a war without it?

So when it's finally available, it will give us and you as well, one hundred percent security. And we need one. And the only thing I demand from you… After such a month of war. This is a request for the sake of our military. After such a war against Russia ... Never, please, never tell us again that our army does not meet NATO standards.

We have shown what our standards are capable of. And how much we can give to the common security in Europe and the world. How much we can do to protect against aggression against everything we value, everything you value. But NATO has yet to show what the Alliance can do to save people. To show that this is truly the most powerful defense union in the world. And the world is waiting. And Ukraine is very much waiting. Waiting for real actions. Real security guarantees. From those whose word is trustworthy. And whose actions can keep the peace.

Truly. All offers are on the table. Our needs are on the table. We need peace immediately. The answers are up to you.

I am thankful to those who help us! Thank you!
私達に支援してくださる方々に感謝します! ありがとうございます!

Glory to Ukraine!



"Article 5
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security."
