

台湾 × 日本 「潮来の音」プロジェクト 2018年〜 2024年 八戸市滞在制作 2020年「潮来の音」発表 #曉劇場 製作 #潮來之音 導演/劇本創作:鍾伯淵 肢體設計暨… もっと読む


Butoh in 潮來之音 40

Butoh in 潮來之音 40

"潮來之音" streamed on YouTube in "East Asia People Theater Festival"

It was archived and it's still available.

Time flies...

It was 2 weeks ago.

I was a bit younger than now.

I enjoyed a lot.

I lo

Butoh in 潮來之音 39

Butoh in 潮來之音 39

Thank you!

The start point of this performance was that Po-yuan and me went to see Take san who is "Itako" in Hachinohe in 2018.
Thanks to my friends for helping us to contact her at that time.

2 ye

Butoh in 潮來之音 38

Butoh in 潮來之音 38

meet again

One of the most exciting things in the performance is to meet friends.

If I ware not a performer, it might be lesser to have chance to make friends.

I'm really happy to see frirnds' siml

Butoh in 潮來之音 37

Butoh in 潮來之音 37

The opening day of 潮來之音

We hope the safe and success together.

I hope the audience enjoy this performance.

I felt relieved after I heard the applause.

The performance has just started.

I hope m

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Butoh in 潮來之音 36

Dress Rehearsal

Lighting rehearsal started at 9:30

No tourist now

I was surpried there was a police car.

but there was no trouble.

When it is performed with nice lighting and sounds, it looks mor

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Butoh in 潮來之音 34

Theater rehearsal

It's really nice place.

There are many surprises.

I wish many people come to see this performance.

This weekend
台湾 × 日本
曉劇場 2020年度製作


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Butoh in 潮來之音 33


The weather was unstable, it was sunny but drizzle.

The cat became sick...

I hope he well be better soon...

I felt tired as well, but excited

Tomorrow is the day when we go to the thea

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Butoh in 潮來之音 32

Sunday routine

The last time I went to this market was 2 weeks ago?

I felt missing this atmosphere.

It helped to refresh my mind.


I bought only 2 rice balls.

Most people buy many vegetables

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Butoh in 潮來之音 31

Run through

What is good and what is bad?

Theater play is alive.

It's not the same always.

I always pay attention about the position timing because it shows the situation and atmosphere in dancin

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Butoh in 潮來之音 30

Run through

I niticed I often became conservative, and I'm not good at adjusting myself to new things.

I think the other members are good at adjusting themselves to absorb new things.

I respect the

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Butoh in 潮來之音 29

Before the rehearsal, I ate a noodle which contains lots of garlic...

It was tasty.

This noodle shop is in the middle of clothes shops.

There are many unknown things in this town.

Forgotten androi

Butoh in 潮來之音 28

Butoh in 潮來之音 28

Recently, I don't have time to run...

but I run another life on the stage.

During the dinner break, I walked around to refresh my mind.

I want to run.

I found a mysterious place.

It is decorated

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Butoh in 潮來之音 27

Run through

Where am I in this world?

Usually we can't know other peoples' world.

What they are thinking.

We try to understand others, but it's not easy.


If we give up to know the w
