

台湾 × 日本 「潮来の音」プロジェクト 2018年〜 2024年 八戸市滞在制作 2020年「潮来の音」発表 #曉劇場 製作 #潮來之音 導演/劇本創作:鍾伯淵 肢體設計暨… もっと読む


Butoh in 潮來之音 20

Butoh in 潮來之音 20

Daily life between rehearsals.

I like this town.

Nothing special but I feel the history.

How many people have walked this street?

How many emotions have been left?

Town is alive.

Butoh in 潮來之音 19

Butoh in 潮來之音 19

I didn't go out the whole day.

Stay in the room and I was trying to remember lines...

Usually, I try not to use my brain on the stage, so I'm good at forgetting.

Butoh × J

Butoh in 潮來之音 18

Butoh in 潮來之音 18

Dream tells us the future.

Nature tells us the truth.

I search the information on the internet, but there is nothing I want.

What do I feel the real?

In the dream, I feel it is the real.

曉劇場 202

Butoh in 潮來之音 17

Butoh in 潮來之音 17

Time goes forward

I can't imagine what it will happen.

The time just will come.

It is unreasonable to imagine what it will be and try to control it, I am thinking in that way recently.



Butoh in 潮來之音 16

Butoh in 潮來之音 16

Details, and differences

Recently, I've had chance to notice the difference between contemporary dance and Butoh dance.

This Japanese paint shows the characteristic point of the difference.

Why do

Butoh in 潮來之音 15

Butoh in 潮來之音 15

Try new things...

In my case, I'm a dancer so I think it's easy to move body with image.

but it's hard to speak lines.

I all the time say "Release the tension, relax..." to students.

I felt I was

Butoh in 潮來之音 14

Butoh in 潮來之音 14

I have 24hours

but it's not enough

because we are not machines, so we can't remember it perfectly.

If it is a programming or video which can be edited, is it becomes easier?

analog body... it is l

Butoh in 潮來之音 13

Butoh in 潮來之音 13

My headache has gone in the evening...

I'm relieved.

Thanks to my friends for caring me.

I joined the rehearsal again,

after that we celebrated Tin-Yi's birthday.

My pic couldn't catch anything..

Butoh in 潮來之音 12

Butoh in 潮來之音 12

I feel headache today...

I can't think, I can't move...

台湾× 日本
曉劇場 2020年度製作



Ticket reservation

Butoh in 潮來之音 11

Butoh in 潮來之音 11

The image of a sea

When I talk about a sea, I imagine the pacific ocean of my hometown unconsciously.

It has big waves all the time.

When I went to the beach of 墾丁, there are no high waves...


Butoh in 潮來之音 10

Butoh in 潮來之音 10

What is your image?

What is my image?

Why we can speak?

Why we think without speaking?

There is not only one answer, but we choose only one after we decide it.

Coincidence looks some sign,


Butoh in 潮來之音 9

Butoh in 潮來之音 9

One step,

It's a big step

Ask our memories

How it was

Nature tells me everything.

We don't have any language barrier, actually.

Butoh in 潮來之音 8

Butoh in 潮來之音 8

I always think time flies.

When I have time, I don't feel like doing anything.

When I don't have time, I have many things to do.

I was stuck at the room...

When I went out the theatre in the eveni

Butoh in 潮來之音 7

Butoh in 潮來之音 7

I had an important meeting, before it

My pc was broken...

Why it happend now?

No reason.

It happens when it happens.

It annoyed me a lot,

I've relied on pc a lot, it's my life line...

but I ca
