Tom's First Taste of Bread

※ bread の関連語彙は太字になってます!

Title: Tom's First Taste of Bread

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town, there was a bakery owned by a skilled baker named Mr. Smith. Emma, a kind-hearted girl, visited the bakery every morning to buy a loaf of fresh bread.

One day, as Emma walked home, she noticed a curious alien named Tom peeking through the bakery window. "What's that delicious smell?" Tom asked.

"It's bread, Tom! Have you never had bread before?" Emma replied, surprised.

Tom shook his head. "No, never. I'm curious to try it."

Excitedly, Emma brought Tom inside the bakery. "Welcome to the bakery, Tom! Mr. Smith, this is my friend Tom. He's never had bread before!"

Mr. Smith smiled warmly. "Well then, Tom, you're in for a treat." He handed Tom a slice of freshly baked bread.

Tom took a bite and his eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, this is amazing!"

As they chatted, Mr. Smith explained how he baked bread daily and showed Tom the process. "It's important to bake it just right to keep it fresh," Mr. Smith said, slicing another loaf for Emma.

But then, Mr. Smith pointed to a loaf left out too long. "This one," he said sadly, "is stale and moldy. It's not good to eat."

Tom wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I see, so bread can go bad too."

From that day on, Tom learned to appreciate the difference between fresh bread and stale, moldy bread. And Emma, delighted to share her love of bread with her new friend, cherished their newfound friendship.
