

新しいGPT-4 32kトークンモデルと、それがどのように言語生成を強化することができるかについて説明します。

Hey, what is up guys?


Welcome back to the WorldofAI.


In today's video, I got some new groundbreaking news on OpenAI that might be releasing a new token limit of 32k.


Now, this is quite astounding as it basically means that the language model will now be able to process and generate text based on a larger amount of preceding context than its current configurations, which we have in GPT-4, which is around 8000 tokens, and which GPT-3.5 has around 4k.


As a language model as chatgpt, it uses neural networks to process and generate text based on the input it receives.


The input is then divided into sequences of tokens, and the model processes each sequence of tokens to generate the next sequence of tokens in an output text.


This means that a larger token size such as a 32k limit would mean that chatgpt would be able to take in an account of greater amounts of preceding context when generating an output text.


This could potentially lead to basically having a coherent and announced language output that basically means that the model can be able to access more information on topics at hand.


Now, there was actually a tweet here.


Before I actually even get into that, this was actually posted by AK.


I highly recommend that you follow this person because he always posts the best content at the latest time.


And he basically said that in a community discussion, basically, there were a couple of people who had this prompted up in their window of which model they can select, and in the playground, they were able to select this new model which is a 32k, sorry, GPT-4 32k token limit.

彼は基本的に、コミュニティディスカッションで、選択できるモデルのウィンドウにこれを表示させた人が何人かいたと述べており、プレイグラウンドでは、新しいモデルである32k、すみません、GPT-4 32kトークン制限を選択することができました。

And it was not just one person, it was a couple of people that were actually able to access this, I believe, yesterday.


So it's quite amazing that OpenAI is going to be releasing this, and we should be able to see this in Q2 to Q3 approximately.


And this will be quite revolutionary as you're going to be able to have a larger token limit, and this could basically take into account greater amounts of preceding context.


And that's quite amazing, guys.


But there's one important thing that I wanted to emphasize, and that is the actual cost thing.


There was actually a tweet on Twitter about a couple of hours ago, and they actually did a little breakdown as to how tokens would be cost, like the price of a token based off of a 32k context, token context, and we can see there's a double in price per tokens of a thousand tokens.


And this is actually quite expensive if you think about it.


But with a 32k limit, you're going to be able to generate different types of content for different use cases, and obviously, you are able to still use GPT-4 as well as GPT-3.5 which work very efficiently and effectively.


But this 32k limit will be used for a lot of different use cases for different aspects which might require large token limits to process larger text.


But this is quite amazing, guys, to see such news.


So I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for this, but I just wanted to share this news as it's going to be quite amazing to see in the coming weeks.


And that's basically it for today's video, guys.


I just wanted to give you a little breakdown on what will be coming out.


I'll leave this link down in the description below for the comment at the actual forum so you can actually read it because there's a lot of people who are discussing and analyzing what this will actually mean for ChatGPT.


So with that thought, guys, thank you so much for watching.


Please subscribe, like this video, and comment anything you want to see in the future uploads.


But that's it for today's video, and I'll see you guys soon.


Have an amazing day, have a great small, and I'll catch you guys very shortly.


See you guys later.

