

ChatALLは、ユーザーが複数のチャットボットと同時にチャットすることを可能にするGitHub上のオープンソースプロジェクトです。ChatALLを使えば、ユーザーはChatGPT、Bing Chat、Bard、Alpaca、Vincuna、Claude、ChatGLM、MOSS、iFlytek Spark、ERNIEなど、多様なチャットボットから質問に対する最適な答えを得ることができます。

Hey, what is up, guys?


Welcome back to another YouTube video at the WorldofAI.


In today's video, I'm going to be showcasing a new project which is called Chat All, and it's an open-source project off of GitHub.

今日のビデオでは、Chat Allと呼ばれる新しいプロジェクトを紹介するつもりですが、これはGitHubのオープンソースプロジェクトです。

It provides users with the ability to concurrently chat with various different types of chatbots, including ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Yeah Bard, Lykuna, Alpaca, Claude, and many more.

ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Yeah Bard, Lykuna, Alpaca, Claudeなど、さまざまな種類のチャットボットと同時にチャットする機能をユーザーに提供します。

Now, this platform allows users to ask questions and receive the best answers from any of the available chatbots.


With Chat All, users can enjoy the convenience of having multiple chatbots at their disposal, which makes it so much easier to get the answers that you actually need.

Chat Allでは、ユーザーは複数のチャットボットを自由に使えるので、実際に必要な答えを得るのがとても簡単になるという利便性を享受することができます。

This chatbot is available on Chat All, and it uses different technologies, as well as different approaches, to provide answers to user questions.

このチャットボットはChat Allで利用可能で、ユーザーの質問に対する回答を提供するために、異なる技術だけでなく、異なるアプローチを使用します。

Giving you the actual diverse range of answers in different types of forms is something we can see in this sample image over here.


You can ask it a question, give it a prompt, and from this, you can get different types of responses with the different models all in one app.


So, this is quite amazing, and this is something I'm going to be showcasing in today's video.


I'm not only going to be going over the features and analysis, but I'm also going to be showing you guys how you can actually install it.


It's fairly easy, and I highly recommend that you play around with this.


It's completely free.


So, if you have any issues or if you're scared to actually check it out, remember it's completely free and private.


There are no issues regarding installing it onto your actual local desktop.


So, with that thought, before we actually get into the video, I want to tell you guys about this newest announcement.


That's my new Twitter account.


On this page, guys, this is where I'm going to be posting all the latest updates about the channel, as well as giving you guys more insight on different AI projects.


So, if you want to be up-to-date with the latest stuff, make sure you guys follow this account.


I'll leave the link in the description below.


Now, if you guys haven't subscribed, please do so, turn on the notification bell, and like the video, guys, as it will definitely help the algorithm.


And if you guys haven't seen any of my previous videos, it would mean the whole world to me if you guys can do so, as there's a lot of content that you'll definitely benefit from.


And with that thought, let's get right into the video.


So, guys, as we talked about at the start, one of the most standout features of Chat All is its ability to allow users to actually chat with multiple different chatbots at once.

さて、冒頭でお話したように、Chat Allの最大の特徴は、ユーザーが一度に複数の異なるチャットボットと実際にチャットできる機能です。

This means that you can actually question multiple different chatbots simultaneously.


This is something that we saw in this demo previously.


It's so much easier as you're able to basically compare the answer with one chatbot with another chatbot, and you can find out which is the best answer that is required for you.


Now, obviously, there's one limitation that I'll talk about, and that is the API usage as well as the costing.


So, this is something that we'll talk about later on.


But there are open-source platforms like Lykuna and Alpaca which are completely free and don't require an API.


So, it's completely free to use.


So, you can utilize those two applications.


But if you do have a lot of tokens, and you're able to actually spend those tokens with the different types of applications, then I highly recommend that you do play around with this.


As you're able to get the best response with something you want, and this is something that you can use in certain cases.


For instance, where you want to solve complex different types of answers, and you want to get the input of different types of chat Bots.


They will get you the best response, and this way, you can get the best output.


Now, additionally, this platform is open source.


What makes this so good is that you're able to customize it, suit it to your specific needs.


So, you're able to tweak as well as play around with how this application is for your personal needs.


Its next great feature is the supported Bots that are provided with this application.


And it's something that they're going to be adding on in the future.


I believe there is a pull request for a Hugging Face chat bot, and then that is something they're going to be adding very shortly.

Hugging Faceチャットボットのプルリクエストがあると思いますが、これはすぐに追加される予定です。

But this platform supports like some of the most popular and Powerful Bots.


That is like chat gbt, Bing chat, Bard, alpaca by kuna, Claude chat, glm, Moss, as well as iFly Tech Spark, as well as Ernie, and many different more.

チャットgbt、Bingチャット、Bard、alpaca by kuna、Claudeチャット、glm、Moss、iFly Tech Spark、Ernie、その他いろいろなものがあります。

As you can see over here, they're consistently going to be adding different types of bots sooner or later.


You can see which one requires an API and which one does it, so you can get the best answers and free answers from the ones that do not require an API access.


There's also a web access for the different bots, so this way, you're able to get actual data from the actual web front.


Now, each bot has its own strength and weaknesses, obviously, and that is depending on their data sets as well as what their LMS are trained upon.


By using chat, all users can basically take advantage as well as the strengths from each bot to get the best possible result.


Now, chat all also has a beautiful user interface.


This makes it so much easier for you to interact with multiple different Bots at once.


This platform is easy to navigate, and this is something I'll be showcasing later on in the video.


Now, some of the other features are over here.


Let me just go a little bit more in depth as to what they're trying to do with these features, so that we can get a better idea of how we can run this application.


Something that the contributors had added for this project is its quick prompt mode.


This mode basically allows users to send the next prompt without waiting for the previous request to complete.


Now, this is something that ChatGPT doesn't actually have, and it's quite annoying.


Because if you send in a prompt and you want to get the next prompt queued up right away, you can't actually send it until that finishes generating the previous prompt.


And this is something that they've done, and it stops you from waiting from sending the next request.


Now, another amazing feature is this local chat history.


Chat all stores all chat history locally on your desktop, and it's something that is like basically sent to the chat file on your program files.

Chat Allは、すべてのチャット履歴をデスクトップ上にローカルに保存し、基本的にはプログラムファイル上のチャットファイルに送信されます。

So once you install the application, it develops a new folder in which it can store the data.


And this is what basically helps you easily preserve your chat data and history, so you don't have to worry about losing it.


Another highlight is its actual response highlighting and detection.


What this means is that users can highlight a response in response to the text that they like, and delete the ones that they actually don't.


This helps whatever user track the answer that they find most useful.


Basically, you're able to get rid of the actual filtered, irrelevant response so that you don't have to waste your time on the different responses.


This is one of the main features that we can see in their actual application.


I'll showcase that.


One of the last features I wanted to talk about is the automatic ChatGPT session management.


What this means is that Chat All can automatically keep ChatGPT sessions alive, which can help improve response times and reduce delays.

これはどういうことかというと、Chat Allは自動的にChatGPTのセッションを維持することができるので、レスポンスの向上や遅延の低減に貢献することができます。

So, you don't have to actually close the device and you don't have to refresh to get the access again.


There's different features like bot management, as well as multiple view options.


There's also even multi-language support which supports multiple different languages, including Chinese and English.


There's different recommendations that you can use.


This is something that they talked about with To Do, and this is a feature that is currently in development.

これはTo Doで話題になったことですが、現在開発中の機能です。

It's something that they're going to be talking about very shortly.


Now, let's get into the next focus where we talk about some of the prerequisites before we actually download this application.


As we talked about, we have different models that have their own API access.


To get access to those different bots, you're gonna have to have the actual API key that has tokens on it so that you're able to utilize those bots.


You have to have a reliable network connection to these bots so that you're able to connect to the web front.


Lastly, if you're a user that is using a VPN, it must be set as a system global proxy.


This is because Chat All actually needs to use the same network connection as the actual VPN to access the bots' APIs.

これは、Chat AllがボットのAPIにアクセスするために、実際にVPNと同じネットワーク接続を使用する必要があるためです。

If the VPN is not actually set to the system global proxy, this means that Chat All may not be able to connect to the bots properly.

VPNが実際にシステムグローバルプロキシに設定されていない場合、これはChat Allがボットに正しく接続できない可能性があることを意味します。

This is something that you want to keep in mind before you actually use it.


In terms of these three prerequisites, once you have that figured out, we can get onto the next folder or the next session, which we talk about installing it locally.


So, at this current moment, you can install it on three different processors: you have Windows, MacOS, and Linux.


You can easily do this by clicking on this repo link, and what it'll do is take you to the actual release links.


They actually post different release notes as to the different postings that they have for each update.


Now, in this case, you can get the latest version over here.


Once you click on this, you'll get these different assets and you can click on which one that you want, that is required for your processor.


In my case, I have a Windows 64x processor.

私の場合、Windows 64xプロセッサーを搭載しています。

So, what I did is I just click on this link, and I'll finish installing.


And once that is done, you can easily click on this link, and it will take you to the Windows protected page.


What you can do is you can bypass that by clicking on the actual more info, and from this, you can clickrun anyway.


And once that is done, it will actually install the actual applications here, desktop.


So, in this case, I already did this, so I'm not going to show you that once again.


But what you can do is, you can search it up by doingChat All', and you can get this application.

しかし、「Chat All」で検索すれば、このアプリケーションを入手することができます。

It will look exactly like this.


What you can do is, click enter, and you can load it up easily as that.


Now, let me just show you some of the things that you can do.


This is going to be the next focus of the video.


So, before we actually get into that, I'm going to post my API key, and then, that way, we can actually start utilizing the different tools.


So guys, I'm going to be showing you this API key.


One thing I want to keep in mind for you guys is, if you're going to be utilizing this, make sure you change the key right after you use the application.


Because in certain cases, yeah, it might be trustworthy to use it, but for your own safety and just for extra precaution, just change up the key.


You can do that by revoking the key access, so that once you're finished using it, no one else can use your actual tokens.


So, in my case, look, I'm just going to show you guys this obviously, and I'm going to delete it after.


But I'm gonna basically go over here onto the actual application, and what you can do is, go on the right side of the actual app, click on this gear button.


What you can do here is that you can start inputting your different API keys that you want to input.


You can actually log into the actual account.


Obviously, I completely trust this application, so I'm gonna be able to do this.


But, if you're actually skeptic about it, if you don't feel like you want to trust this, it's at your own discretion.


So do what you think is best for your own well-being, as well as your own well-being for your API Keys.

ですから、API Keysのためにも、ご自身の健康のためにも、最善と思われることを行ってください。

Now, in my case, I'm just going to paste it over here.


Once that is done, you can basically log into ChatGPT if you want.


And if you have the paid GPT for Access or if you're a plus member, then you can actually utilize GPT-4 off of this actual chat bot.

そして、もしあなたが有料のGPT for Accessを持っているか、プラスメンバーであれば、このチャットボットからGPT-4を実際に利用することができます。

Now, once that is done, you can actually go click on this, and you can start using and utilizing their different apps.


Now, if you can see, I haven't actually inputted any of the different APIs or these different things like Microsoft, as well as Alpaca, or the different ones that are provided.


But in this case, you can see that Vicuna, as well as the different ones, are free.


So, you can utilize these different ones.


But in terms of things that require you to input an API key, when you click on it, it'll tell you that you'll need to put in the API key.


But for the ones that don't, you can just click on them.


And you can see that most of them, in this case, I have my API key.


So, let's see if I can get this working.




So, I think that's all, but now what I'll do is, already an imprompt.


In this case, I'll say,write me a story on...' Uh, sorry guys, brain fart there.


But this guy just asked,write me a story on my friend who became a successful investor.


And you can see this, amazingly working on the back end.


Now, it's able to do this by utilizing the different API Keys, as well as the different chat bots.


And we can see that, slowly starting to work towards these different ones, but Kona is slowly starting to work on it.


Now, let's see if Alpaca is able to do it, as well as Chachio.


But, you can get a gist of this, guys.


You can have different views as to how this application can look.


You can get it on a grid view, as well as a split-screen view.


I personally like this one because you're able to see everything as you scroll.


Now, you can also play around and think about the different things over here.


And this is how you can actually utilize these different things on this tool.


And if you want to actually clear the actual messages, you can click on this, and it will prompt you to close, as well as delete the messages that you have.


Now, this is absolutely amazing because you can utilize different chatbots, and overall, you can meet different types of needs that you want with the different chatbots.


And that's basically it for today's video, guys.


I hope you found this video quite helpful.


For you guys, it's like, in my opinion, I definitely see thatChat All' is an innovative platform, and it provides so much to the users, with the ability to concurrently chat with different various chatbots.

私の意見としては、Chat Allは革新的なプラットフォームであり、様々なチャットボットと同時にチャットすることができ、ユーザーに多くのものを提供していると思います。

Now, this is something that I'll definitely be utilizing, as it's completely free.


And I actually talked about it on my Twitter, so if you guys haven't seen this, I definitely recommend that you check it out.


I post all the latest different news on different AI projects, so definitely keep a follow on this, and you'll get the latest news right away from my end.


So with that thought, guys, thank you so much for watching.


I hope you found this video quite entertaining, and you got something out of this.


And with this thought, I'll catch you guys next time.


Have an amazing day, have a bright smile, and I'll catch you guys soon.


Peace out, fellas.

