【AIニュース】英語スピーチを日本語で読む【2023年5月14日|@Jack Roberts】


Do you ever get tired of real life?




Well, there's one building.


This 23-year-old Snapchat star has created a virtual AR girlfriend, and now she's got thousands of virtual boyfriends.


And she's made over seventy thousand dollars.


Okay, so this is the lady who's made an AI girlfriend of herself.


Basically, you pay one dollar a minute to chat to this AI version of yourself.


However, things haven't exactly gone according to plan.


Now, there was a post on Reddit, and it's basically Mark did an amazing job of summarizing this, a massive credit to Mark for that.


Thank you.


Now, just going through some of the key metrics here, right?


So she's got just under 2 million followers on Snapchat, and she's had a thousand virtual boyfriends within just one week of doing it.


I don't know what that says about the state of people wanting AI girlfriends or what, but to me, what really blew my mind was this number here, and that's it.


She's generated over 70,000 from this particular venture, which to me is absolutely outrageous.


But the most ridiculous thing about the whole thing is that, in true internet style, she's been jailbreaked, and people have been using her jailbreak version of herself to say sexually explicit things.


And according to this report, her and her team are working around the clock to stop this from happening again.


Now, apparently, online, we can see some stuff that the team spent at thousands of hours actually training this particular model to in her tone of voice and what she thinks and all that different sort of stuff.


So, a lot of effort's gone into it.


Now, the company that's also done this, apparently, has also covered some other large celebrities.


I think they've done one on Donald Trump, for instance.


But one thing's for sure, this is absolutely wild.


And I don't know about you, but this reminds me of the movie Her, where the guy starts dating an AI model, falls in love with her, and then he realizes that the AI model has actually been dating like tens of thousands of people at the exact same time.


Now, when you read a story like this, for me, it just feels a little bit creepy.


And I love the cause about transforming loneliness, but then it is just a little bit weird.


Now, I can see great applications of stuff like, if you have, like, I don't know, a role model and you want to bounce ideas with them, you could speak to a virtual version of them.


That's amazing.


But the boyfriend-girlfriend thing is a little bit strange.


However, thousands of people clearly have a very different point of view on it.


So, it's going to be an interesting one to see how that evolves.


But taking a left turn, let's check out now some wearable tech that was demonstrated by an AI startup called Humane.


And we agree...


sorry, this is my wife.


I'm gonna have to get this.




Hey, Bethany, how's it going?

やあ ベサニー 調子はどうだい?

Yeah, I'm on the red circle right now, actually. Where can I find a gift for my wife before I have to leave tomorrow?

ああ、実は今、赤丸の上にいるんだ。 明日出発する前に、妻へのプレゼントはどこで探せばいい?

That's an incredibly simple response for a very complex query.


And this is one of the reasons why Humane has raised a hundred million dollars and are likely to keep on growing at a pretty fast rate.


And that's because if you think about what they're doing, traditionally when you want to do something like translate languages, you ever be fun, you type it in, and then you hand it over and let the phones fix.


So, if this can remove steps of friction from processes or conversations, it's got a lot of value, and I think Humane fundamentally what they're doing is the same technology.


It's just all in the application.


How do I get the same technology to the user faster, quicker, through a different wearable attack?


And on the subject of technology, that leads us very nicely back onto ChatGPT.


And then we had the update that we've all been waiting for, and it isn't the summer's coming, it's actually the ChatGPT Plus users are now getting access to plugins and web search over the next week, which will be huge.

そして、みんなが待ち望んでいたアップデートがありました。それは、夏の到来ではなく、ChatGPT Plusのユーザーが、来週中にプラグインとウェブ検索にアクセスできるようになるというものです。

And that will give you access to Verizon web and a whole host of the plugins that they build, which will be huge.


Now, when I last checked, I didn't have access to this, which was really unfortunate because I thought, Why tease us with it?


Why not just come out with it?


But let's see if I've got access to it.


So, come over here, let's go to GPT4, and now I've still not got it just yet, unfortunately.


So, keep your eyes peeled.


But if you've got the GPT Plus subscription at $20 a month, you should have access to it by the end of the next week.

でも、GPT Plusのサブスクリプション(月額20ドル)をお持ちの方は、来週末にはアクセスできるようになると思います。

Another topic of generative AI with big news this week for Matt is saying they're now entering the space of helping advertisers to generate copy, images, and backgrounds for their advertisements.


So, let's take a look at how this works in practice.


So, we can see the prompt here, which is a New York City street blood, and then this is the image that we've got.


Then we've got sunsite City Lights New York City blood abstract high quality.

そして、Sunsite City Lights New York City blood abstract high qualityを手に入れました。

So, you're giving it text inputs, and it's just generating backgrounds off the back of that.


And then the second bit, we can see it does text generation.


So, you can give it a piece of text, and it will vary four or five different ways of expressing that to try and maximize the number of click-through rates and therefore the efficacy of the ad.


And one of the most time-consuming things about running ads is having to change the size of them for every individual platform that you're on, because some have different aspect ratios.


Like this one here, for example, is 9x16, but some banner ads are very short and very long.


So, if this AI can actually propagate and move your ads into various formats, that is going to be huge.


And while this is in the sandbox, if Meta is able to get this right, the implications are massive.


Because if AI and generative AI can help us create ads that are specific to the person we're trying to reach, either way more targeted, the cost to deliver those ads goes down, which means it makes it easier for businesses to reach their consumers about their products, and the cost of ads is going to be way cheaper.


Now, that will also influence different individuals and role types that sit in the ad generation space, but we'll have to watch to see how that one evolves.


But look, with that in mind, that leads us really nicely onto Google's huge update.


And so, we had the new Google conference, which they announced all of their updates from lots of different technologies and speakers.


The first thing they announced was a new Google Pixel 7A for phone and tablet, lots of interesting features, but nothing particularly groundbreaking.

最初に発表されたのは、電話やタブレット用の新しいGoogle Pixel 7Aで、興味深い機能がたくさんありますが、特に画期的なものはありません。

They've also integrated into Gmail your ability to give it a prompt, and it will answer things for you.


In this example, the ask: it to create an email for a refund for a plane ticket, and the technology is able to search through your own inbox, pull the relevant information, and then reply to him.


And whilst you can do this sort of stuff with ChatGPT plugins into Gmail, this will be amazing since it sits across all of your different Google Docs and Technologies.

このようなことは、GmailのChatGPTプラグインでも可能ですが、Google DocsやTechnologyを横断的に利用できるため、非常に便利です。

We then got to see the new Google Maps, which has had a brand new facelift, which enables you to see different stats like air pollution, noise pollution, and completely reimagine all of the routes that you'll be taking.


We have new image editing technology, so in this, for example, you can move the pinch around, you can have and restore the balloons.


It looks pretty impressive.


We also see you being able to generate new documents.


In this example, this person generates a job description based off a single prompt.


Likewise, we store in Sheets your ability to give it a prompt and then its ability to create custom-made Sheets based on particular data and questions that you've given.


And saving the most interest until last, we had some interesting updates around the EU around law and legislation affecting ChatGPT and other AIS.


Basically, they're voting on a bill next month, which, if it passes, will restrict and hamper some of the things that ChatGPT can and cannot do.


Now, I can tell you that GDPR, which is basically like the data framework for how you manage customer data and what you can do for it, is already extremely strict and very difficult to adhere to because you can't have data leaving the European Union, and there's like a million different requirements.


Now, the EU wants to get involved, and as with all like evolving technologies, the tech always outpaces the law and the legislation.


And if it's passed, member states would have two years to effectuate the legislation within their own legal systems.


But what isn't clear is whether or not they're going to have a legal position on having digital girlfriends, digital boyfriends.


As soon as we get an answer on that, we'll be covering it on the channel.


But in the meantime, have a great week, and I'll see you next time.

