
【AIニュース】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年5月13日|@Matt Wolfe】


So, this week was one of those weeks in AI where it was just announcement after announcement, and we've got a lot to cover in this one.

本日は、AI に関する発表が続いた週のひとつで、多くの内容をお届けします。

Google had their annual i/o event where they make all of their big announcements about all the cool stuff that they're rolling out.


Here's a super quick recap from The Verge: Ai, aiki AI, generative AI, generative AI, generative AI, Aisa.

ここでは、The Vergeによる超簡単なレポをお届けします: Ai、aiki AI、generative AI、generative AI、Aisa。

It uses AI to bring ai, ai, ai, and AI, or Ai.


That pretty much sums up what they talked about at the event.


But besides the Google event, there was still a ton of other AI announcements, and I'm gonna break them all down for you, including the stuff that I found the most interesting from the Google event.


So, technically, this one rolled out last week on Friday.


But because I record these videos on Thursday, it didn't make last week's video.


But on Friday of last week, OpenAI rolled out their new text to 3D model called Shape E. And as of right now, there's a Hugging Face space available where you can play around with it yourself.

しかし、先週の金曜日に、OpenAIは「Shape E」という新しいテキストから3Dモデルまでをロールアウトしました。

I'll make sure the link is below in the description, but you can come to the face page, type in a prompt, and it'll make a 3D image of whatever you prompt it with.


So, I can type a rainbow wolf, and I get something that kinda sort of looks like a rainbow wolf.


I can click this download button, and it downloads it as a glb file, which I believe I can open in something like Blender.


Some other examples: a spaceship, a green boot, and a chair that looks like an avocado.


They also have Image to 3D, where you can upload an image, and it'll try to make it into a 3D image.

また、Image to 3Dもあり、画像をアップロードすると、それを3D画像にしようとします。

Their example here is this little Corgi image.


I tried uploading my own images, and none of them looked anywhere near like the image I uploaded.


So, I don't know how to get this to work, but you could play around with it.


It's free over on Hugging Face right now.

今ならHugging Faceで無料配布しています。

It's not the most amazing 3D assets I've ever seen, but it's the best-looking text to 3D we've seen so far.


Alright, now moving into this week, we started off the week with Warren Buffett comparing AI to the creation of the atom bomb, and Jeffrey Hinton saying that the threat of AI is more urgent to humanity than climate change.


But, I don't want to get all doom and gloom in this video.


I want to talk about some of the really cool and fun advancements that happened in AI, so let's just move right along.


Also on Monday, we got this demo from Loveless Studio where they show off their tool to create text to metaverse.

また、月曜日には、Loveless Studioから、メタバースへのテキストを作成するツールを紹介するデモがありました。

Essentially, we could see that this was an alien snowy world that they created.


Great Lost City of Atlantis, this is what it created: got procedural terrain generation, dynamic landscapes, dynamic geologies, dynamic lighting, dynamic post-processing, all sorts of cool features that take us one step closer to being able to just build video games using prompting.


And this all works inside of Unreal Engine.

そして、これらはすべてUnreal Engineの中で動作します。

We don't know when we're actually going to have access to this.


This was just kind of a teaser video of what's to come, but this looks like a really, really fun tool that is going to further democratize game creation.


Also on Monday, we got this demo from Loveless Studio.

また、月曜日には、Loveless Studioのデモが公開されました。

They showed off their tool to create text to metaverse.


Essentially, we could see that this was an alien, snowy world that they created.


Great Lost City of Atlantis, this is what it created.


It's got procedural terrain generation, dynamic landscapes, dynamic geologies, dynamic lighting, and dynamic post-processing.


All sorts of cool features that take us one step closer to being able to just build video games using prompting.


This all works inside of Unreal Engine.

これらはすべて、Unreal Engine の内部で動作します。

We don't know when we're actually going to have access to this.


This was just kind of a teaser video of what's to come, but this looks like a really, really fun tool that is going to further democratize game creation.


Also on Monday, we got the announcement that Meta was open sourcing their image bind research.


This has image to audio, audio to image, text to image, and audio.


Audio and image to image, audio to generated image...


so, for example, if we select an image, it will try to make an audio out of one of these images.


So, if I click on this dog, you can see it generated two audios from this dog.


That's AI-generated audio from the dog.


If I click on this tiger here, this is what it sounds like.


Their audio to image is the other way around.


So, if you give it a sound of birds singing, it generates these images off of that audio, or a train running.


Based on that audio, we get these images.


Text image and audio, if you give it the text drums, you get this image and this audio, or this image with this audio.


And then we have audio and image to a new image.


So we have a dog barking with a picture of a beach.


So here's the dog barking.


If I combine the two, we've got a picture of a dog on a beach.


We've got the sound of pouring, with this picture of apples, and it generated this picture of apples under a sink.


And finally, audio to generated image: this engine sound gives us this picture of a boat or something.


Dog barking, we get this picture of a dog.


And this is what image binding does, and you can read more about this over on Meta's blog at this URL, which will be in the description.


And like I mentioned, it is open sourced, so you can actually find it over on Facebook Research's GitHub page and use this code in your own projects if you want.

また、先ほど述べたように、これはオープンソースなので、Facebook ResearchのGitHubページでこのコードを見つけることができ、自分のプロジェクトでこのコードを使用することができます。

This week, TED also uploaded the TED Talk from Imran Chaudhry here, where he showed off some of his wearable AI augmented reality tech, and it's pretty dang cool.

今週、TEDはImran ChaudhryのTED Talkをアップロードしました。彼はウェアラブルAI拡張現実技術を披露しましたが、かなりクールです。

And we agree.


Sorry, this is my wife, I'm going to have to get this.




Hey, Bethany, how's it going?

やあ ベサニー 調子はどうだい?

Yeah, I'm on the red circle right now.


Actually, let me show you something.


Invisible devices should feel so natural to use that you almost forget about their existence.


You'll note that's me and my voice speaking fluent French using an AI speech model.


That's part of my own AI.


This is not a deep fake.


In fact, it's deeply profound.


This is my AI giving me the ability to speak any language.


Imagine this: you've been in meetings all day, and you just want a summary of what you've missed.


Catch me up.


Coming to tomorrow's design meeting, Bethany wants to move next week's dinner, and Oliver is asking about soccer this weekend.


These are emails, calendar invites, and messages all surfaced up to the top.


I've added punctuation to your text to make it more readable.


Please note that due to the length of the text, the sentence structure might still seem a bit convoluted.


Picked up one of these chocolates.


Used to eat a ton of these when I was a kid.


Can I eat this?


So, I can't eat these anymore.


I'm gonna eat it anyway.


Which is a really, really awesome Ted Talk.

これは本当に、本当に素晴らしいTed Talkです。

One of my favorite TED talks in a long time.


It's less than 14 minutes and I highly recommend everybody check it out.


I'll make sure the link's in the description, but what I can't say about this is that AI and wearable technology is going to get really, really interesting.


And this Ted Talk, with actual working technology, shows sort of where things might be heading.

このTed Talkは、実際に動作する技術で、物事がどこに向かっているのかを示しています。

This week, IBM also announced that they're going much deeper into the AI space with their Watson X AI.

今週、IBMはWatson X AIでAI分野にさらに深く踏み込むことを発表しました。

They actually partnered up with Hugging Face so you can experiment with the open source models that are available on Hugging Face.

実際にHugging Faceと提携し、Hugging Faceで公開されているオープンソースモデルを試すことができます。

This appears to be their own version of like a GPT4 or PaLM 2, like what Google has, and they're expecting availability for Watson X in July.

これは、Googleが持っているようなGPT4やPaLM 2の独自バージョンのようで、Watson Xは7月に発売される予定だそうです。

So, as more access for this one rolls out, we'll probably be talking about this one a little bit more in the future.

7月にはWatson Xも利用できるようになる予定です。

The interesting thing about something like this, Watson X, is it's starting to feel a little late in the game.

このようなWatson Xの興味深い点は、ゲームとしては少し遅れているように感じられることです。

If everybody's already starting to build out apps on top of OpenAI, or starting to build out apps on top of Google's new PaLM 2.

すでにみんながOpenAIの上にアプリを作り始めていたり、Googleの新しいPaLM 2の上にアプリを作り始めているのであれば、7月頃には、ほとんどの人がWatson Xの上にアプリを作り始めているように感じます。

By July, it almost feels like most businesses will already have sort of picked their platform of choice to build on top of.


It'll just be interesting to see how it plays out and what IBM can bring to the table that's actually unique.


It's also announced this week that Wendy's is going to test AI chat Bots that take your drive through order, and it appears to be built on top of Google's PaLM 2 technology.

また今週、Wendy'sがドライブスルーの注文を受けるAIチャットボットをテストすることが発表されましたが、これはGoogleのPaLM 2テクノロジーに基づいて構築されているようです。

When McDonald's tested it out, it didn't go so well.Can I please have vanilla ice cream?

マクドナルドがテストしたときは、あまりうまくいかなかった。Can I please have vanilla ice cream?

Can I get you anything else?


No, caramel, would you like...


No, cream packet...


No, I didn't.


I just want a large water and a cup of ice cream.


Now to catch it back.


Oh my God, I literally can't wait.


Where did the butter come from?


I was just like a large water and a cup of ice cream.


We're still saving this.


We need to just go and tell them, McDonald's.


I'm done for the Sunday.


None, plain, zero, zata, nothing.


Just vanilla ice cream for the Sunday.


Oh my God, I'm done.


I'm done.


We're done.


Jesus.' So yeah, hopefully Wendy's take on the automated ordering bot fares a little bit better than McDonald's.


Airtable also announced that they're adding AI functionality into their platform, which kind of felt inevitable.


I'm pretty sure everybody saw this coming anyway.


It looks to do the same kinds of things that you might get out of something like Notions AI.

Notions AIのようなものから得られるかもしれないのと同じ種類のことをするように見えます。

Airtable AI will be an optional paid feature, with details on pricing and availability coming soon.

Airtable AIはオプションの有料機能で、価格や利用方法についての詳細は近日中に発表される予定です。

Also this week, Hugging Face announced Transformer agents.

また今週、Hugging FaceはTransformer agentを発表しました。

You can control a hundred thousand plus Hugging Face models by talking to Transformers and diffusers.


It's going to be fully multimodal, meaning you can use text, images, video, audio, docs, etc.


In their Twitter thread, they say you can create an agent using large language models like Open Assistant, Star coder, and OpenAI, and start talking to Transformers and diffusers.

Twitterのスレッドでは、Open Assistant、Star coder、OpenAIのような大規模な言語モデルを使用してエージェントを作成し、Transformersやdiffusersと会話を始めることができるとしています。

It responds to complex queries and offers a chat mode, creates images using your words, has the agent read the summary of websites out loud, read through a PDF, and comes with built-in tools like speech to text, text-to-speech, text classification, summarization, translation, image generation, transformations, captioning, segmentation, upscaling, and text to video.


Now this is the part that I found really interesting.


So, designing a tool and pushing it to the hub can be done in a few lines of code.


The toolkit of the agent serves as a base.


Extend it with your tools or with other community contributed tools.


So, what this means to me is that you can use all of the tool sets available inside of Hugging Face to build a brand new tool.

つまり、Hugging Faceの中で利用可能なすべてのツールセットを使って、まったく新しいツールを作ることができる、ということです。

Once you build that new tool that does whatever you make it do, you can then add that tool to Hugging Faces set of tools.

そして、その新しいツールを作ったら、そのツールをHugging Faceのツールセットに追加することができます。

Now that tool becomes available for others to use and iterate off of, and becomes a new tool in the toolset that developers can then use to build off of.


So, the more these Transformer agents get used to build tools, the more tools people have available to build new tools.


So, with each new tool built inside of this, it just improves and improves and improves, giving people the ability to continually make better tools.


The last few weeks we also talked a lot about AI generated music and a lot of that music was ending up on Spotify.


Well, apparently, Spotify has flushed all of that music off the platform.


With Spotify saying, Artificial streaming is a long-standing industry-wide issue that Spotify is working to stamp out across our service.


So, although Spotify is now allowing AI generated playlists, Spotify seems to be very anti-AI generated music.


When we identify or are alerted to potential cases of stream manipulation, we mitigate their impacts by taking action that may include the removal of streaming numbers and the withholding of royalties.


This allows us to protect royalty payouts for honest, hard-working artists.


Now, anybody that's actually generated AI music will probably be slightly offended by this because it's not as easy to create as most people think.


It actually does require some talent and some skill, and quite a bit of time to put into it, to create something really good still.


But Spotify, at least for the moment, seems to be drawing a line in the sand against people making AI generated music.


At least with the voices of existing artists.


It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out because this feels like a very gray area to me.


Like, what if I had a voice that sounded exactly like Kanye's, and I sang in a way that sounded like Kanye, but I'm not Kanye, but I did actually sing it?


Does that mean that my song would get booted off of Spotify because it sounds too much like his voice?


Just because a voice sounds like Kanye but wasn't actually generated by Kanye, does that make it Kanye's voice?


I don't know.


It was definitely trained on his voice's data, so there is that element to it.


But in the future, I don't think we're going to be able to differentiate what was generated on somebody else's data versus somebody that just sounds like somebody else.


It's gonna get real slippery.


I'm not really making a lot of AI music myself, so I don't really have a dog in this fight.


I just think it's going to be interesting to see how this one plays out.


Speaking of AI generated music, with all of Google's big announcements at Google I/O this year, this is one that flew under the radar because it didn't get announced at their event.

AIが生み出す音楽といえば、今年のGoogle I/Oでは、Googleの大きな発表がありましたが、これはGoogleのイベントで発表されなかったので、注目されませんでした。

But they just opened up their Music LLM model where you can generate AI music.

しかし、Googleは、AIが音楽を生成するMusic LLMモデルを公開しました。

Now, it doesn't generate vocals, but if I go to the AI Test Kitchen, I can actually play with this right now and generate some music with it.


You can see it gives us some examples: songs that would play in a poolside party with a light summer vibe.


I could see what this sounds like, and this is totally AI-generated.


A pop-punk anthem from the early 2000s, I can actually download this song right here.


But I'm very unclear at the moment whether or not you can actually use this music commercially or not.


My guess is that you probably still can't, but I'm not sure.


It doesn't specifically say anywhere that I can find, even in their terms of service, there's nothing about how we can use this or if we can use it commercially.


Alright, so now we're getting into the meat of what happened this week, and that is Google's I/O event where they just had announcement after announcement about all of the AI stuff they're doing.


Now, I did make a sort of TL;DR version of the entire Google I/O event.

さて、私はGoogle I/Oイベント全体のTL;DRバージョンのようなものを作りました。

The entire event was almost four hours long, and I condensed all the stuff that I found interesting down to about 15 minutes.


You can find that over at my Twitter.


I'll link to this exact Twitter post in the description below if you want to watch the 15-minute recap that I created.


Let's go over some of the quick highlights here.


So, they started by showing an example of how it can help you in email.


Where somebody got an email about a flight that was canceled, they gave it a prompt to ask for a full refund for this canceled flight.


The AI wrote a short email.


They asked the AI to elaborate, and then it wrote a more detailed email asking for a refund for the flight.


Now, while I think it's really cool that this is going to be built directly in the email, it's nothing really new, right?


We've been able to do this with ChatGPT.


There's probably a hundred Chrome extensions that do this for us right now.


It doesn't feel like anything super novel or exciting yet.


It just kind of saves us one step of having to use a third-party tool and instead, we are going to have it just built straight into Gmail.


They also announced that Google photos is going to have what they call Magic editor.


They rebranded their magic eraser to Magic editor.


It can do stuff like erase unwanted items in an image, adjust the brightness, make it look like a more clear day, and then even move things around in the image to get it closer to what you were originally looking to create in the first place.


While I think it's cool that it's going to be built directly into Google photos, this isn't super novel technology.


This is the type of stuff we've been getting from tools like Clip drop and Runway ml already.

これは、Clip dropやRunway mlのようなツールから既に得られているタイプのものです。

Now, they also announced PaLM 2, which is their sort of Next Generation large language model that tools like Bard are being built on top of.

また、PaLM 2も発表されました。これは、Bardのようなツールがその上に構築されている、次世代大規模言語モデルのようなものです。

It's much better at coding and can even do things like add comments in Korean.


They also talked about fine-tuning PaLM 2 and fine-tuning it on medical knowledge in their Med PaLM 2, which was quite impressive in the fact that it was the first large language model to reach expert performance when it comes to clinical knowledge.

また、「Med PaLM 2」では、PaLM 2を微調整し、医療知識で微調整することを話していました。このモデルは、臨床知識に関してエキスパート性能に達した最初の大規模言語モデルであるという事実が非常に印象的でした。

I think it's operating behind the scenes on Bard, so if you have access to Bard, you're kind of seeing PaLM 2's capability.

Bardの裏側で動作しているので、Bardにアクセスすれば、PaLM 2の能力を見ることができるような気がします。

They also talked about their next-gen model called Gemini, which will be coming out later.


It is trained on even more.


I mean, I guess this is kind of like their GPT 5, I suppose.

つまり、これは彼らのGPT 5のようなものだと思うんだ。

I don't know how to compare it, but this is their next even larger large language model that they're in production on right now.


It's still being trained.


They talked about how Bard is much better at coding now, now trained on all of these programming languages that you see on the screen.


They also announce Barred tools, which is really interesting because if you're familiar with what ChatGPT is doing with ChatGPT plugins, it sounds like that's what they're doing with Bard.

ChatGPT プラグインで ChatGPT が行っていることに精通している場合、Barred ツールは非常に興味深いものです。これは、Bard で行っていることだそうです。

Bard will directly connect with tools like TripAdvisor, Wolfram, Redfin, Instacart, Spotify, YouTube, and Khan Academy, and a lot of the tools that we've seen are getting plugins on ChatGPT.

Bardは、TripAdvisor、Wolfram、Redfin、Instacart、Spotify、YouTube、Khan Academyといったツールと直接接続することができ、これまで見てきた多くのツールがChatGPTでプラグインを取得していることがわかります。

This is really cool, and I think this is a great feature, but it also feels a little bit like they saw ChatGPT do it, and now they're doing it too.


Now, Google may have totally had this idea before ChatGPT.


I can't say for sure, but just the timing of events, it kind of feels like they got the idea from ChatGPT and when we need to add that to Bard 2 if we want to compete.

でも、このタイミングは、ChatGPTからアイデアを得て、Bard 2に追加することで対抗しているように感じられますね。

One of the other big announcements is that they are partnering with Adobe Firefly inside of Bard.

他にも大きな発表として、Bardの内部でAdobe Fireflyと提携することになりました。

And if you've ever used Bing chat and had it generate images with their next-gen version of Dolly, then it sounds like Bard is kind of doing the same thing, just with Adobe Firefly.

Bingのチャットで、次世代バージョンのDollyを使って画像を生成したことがあると思いますが、BardもAdobe Fireflyを使って同じようなことをやっているようです。

So you can go inside of Bard, for example, and say, Generate an image of a unicorn in front of a birthday cake for me.


And using Adobe Firefly, it will generate that image for you.

すると、Adobe Fireflyを使って、その画像を生成してくれるのです。

Again, it kind of feels a little bit like being one step behind what Microsoft and OpenAI are doing with their current version of Bing chat.


They also announced at their event that Bard is now open to everybody in 180 different countries.


It's available in English, Japanese, and Korean.


And on the screen right now, you can see all of the countries that it is available in.


I'm going to go ahead and scroll slowly so that you can, you know, take a screenshot or pause this video and see where you can get access.


But I'm also going to link up to this page in the description so you can check it out for yourself.


Now, there are some noticeable omissions from the list.


One thing I noticed is Canada still doesn't have access up here, which seemed very surprising to me.


And also I've noticed that a lot of people in places like Sweden and Switzerland don't have access either, which is a little bit surprising.


And the other reason I pinpoint those countries in particular is because I have friends in those countries who actually reached out and said, I still don't have access to it.


I thought they were rolling it out to all of the countries.


Well, they enrolled it to 180 countries, and Canada, Switzerland, and Sweden aren't three of them.


They also announced Google Duet AI, which is essentially them putting AI in all of their Google Workspace suite of tools.

また、Google Duet AIも発表されましたが、これはGoogle WorkspaceのすべてのツールにAIを搭載するというものです。

So you'll have AI directly inside of Google Docs, directly inside of Google Sheets, directly inside of Google Slides.


And they all kind of tie together with each other.


So if you need information on your slides from one of your Google Sheets, it can reference and access what's in your sheets for your Google Slides.


If you need access to something that's in sheets in one of your documents, they all sort of cross-talk to each other.


And that's called Google Duet.

これがGoogle Duetと呼ばれるものです。

Here's one of the examples of them using it that I found interesting.


Something like a client and pet roster for a dog walking business with rates, and hit create.


She sends this input to a fine-tuned model that we've been training with all sorts of sheet-specific use cases.


The model figured out what you might need.


The generator table has things like the dog's name, client info, notes, etc.


This is a good start for you to tinker with.


They also gave another example of it being used in slides where they generated a whole slide presentation, forgot to create notes for the slides, and then had AI generate all of the speaker notes for them automatically based on the content of the slides.


They also showed off what Google's new conversational search is going to look like.


It looks very similar to what Bing has planned for their search engine.


You can see they asked a question, What's better for a family with kids under three and a dog, Bryce Canyon or Arches National Park?


It actually generated a response with AI, gave some potential follow-up questions, gave some sources, and then below that gave the search results.


They also showed off some features for shopping on Google which will help you compare various products using AI on Google.


For example, showing e-bikes in red for five-mile commutes with hills, and it was able to find stores near their location that had red bikes that were good for working on hills.


They also showed off their new Vertex AI, which to me feels very, very similar to NVIDIA's Foundation platform or Amazon's Bedrock platform where companies can build their own custom large language models on top of their GPU resources.


Now, of all the things that they showed off, their project Tailwind was probably the single thing that excited me the most because what it is is basically you create your own internal chatbot based on files that are inside of your Google Drive.

彼らが披露したすべてのものの中で、最も私の興味を引いたのは、Tailwind プロジェクトです。これは、Google ドライブ内のファイルに基づいて独自の内部チャットボットを作成することです。

So, if you have a whole bunch of documents inside of Google Drive, you can essentially query those documents with a chat, and it will use those documents as the sources to answer your questions and then cite the source from your database of documents.


It's basically creating a chatbot by embedding the content of your Google Drive for you and then making all of that content of your Google Drive chattable.


That to me seems super valuable because you can create folders on your Google Drive for specific topics that you're interested in and add various documents that you find around the web, write your own content in there, save transcripts from interviews and videos, and whatever you can imagine, and then create your own custom-tailored chatbot to query all of those documents that you saved in there.


That concept to me is really exciting.


So this Project Tailwind is something that out of everything they showed throughout this entire keynote is probably the thing I'm most excited to get my hands on.

このProject Tailwindは、今回の基調講演で披露されたすべてのものの中で、おそらく私が最も手に入れるのを楽しみにしているものです。

They also showed off a universal translator where they took a video of somebody speaking, translated that video into a different language, and then the person's mouth and voice actually followed along as they were speaking in that other language.


So, here's the example: What many college students don't realize is that knowing when to ask for help and then following through on using helpful resources is actually a hallmark of becoming a productive adult.

つまり、これがその例です: 多くの大学生が気づいていないことですが、助けを求めるタイミングを知り、役立つリソースを利用してフォローすることが、実は生産的な大人になるための特徴なのです。

So that's pretty cool.


But they also mentioned during this keynote that they're not going to make that available for everybody because they're too afraid of it being used for deepfakes and things like that.


So when the general public will have access to this from Google, who knows?


During the event, they also presented a few new phones.


They have a new Pixel folding phone and a Pixel 7A.

新しいPixelの折りたたみ式携帯電話とPixel 7Aだそうです。

I wasn't too interested in that.


I was more interested in the AI features.


You're going to be able to use AI to help you with your text messages, where if you've ever seen that South Park episode where they talked about ChatGPT, this feels straight out of that episode.


They're also going to let you use generative AI to generate AI backgrounds, which I mean, cool.


And then they moved on to the developer keynote.


So there was two main keynotes during this I/O event.


You had the main Google keynote, and then you had the developer keynote, where they focused a lot more on the APIs and the various development software that was available for programmers and things like that.


They did mention that there's a whole bunch of APIs that developers are going to get access to and a whole bunch of code helpers similar to like a code whisperer or GitHub Copilot.

開発者がアクセスできるようになるAPIや、コードウィスパラーやGitHub Copilotのようなコードヘルパーが多数用意されていることが紹介されたよ。

Google is going to have their own version of that.


They also announced their own Android AI development platform and a whole bunch of cool tools for builders, but most of what they talked about in that portion was over my head.

また、独自のAndroid AI開発プラットフォームや、ビルダー向けのクールなツールの数々も発表されましたが、この部分で語られたことのほとんどは、私の頭には入ってきませんでした。

They used a lot of coder speak and industry jargon that I couldn't really translate other than the fact that it was tools to make coding a lot faster and a lot easier if you're going to code with Google's platforms for tools like Android.


And finally, they wrapped up the event with something really fun, which was showing off their Space Invaders World Defense augmented reality game, which actually uses Google Earth plus augmented reality technology to add Space Invaders directly into the real world.

そして最後に、彼らは本当に楽しいものでイベントを締めくくりました。それは、Google Earth と拡張現実技術を使用して、スペースインベーダーを直接現実世界に追加する拡張現実ゲーム、Space Invaders World Defense を披露したものです。

So you can see this is a Google Maps street view here, and then they added Space Invaders right over the top in reality, and they call this game Space Invaders World Defense.


And this was how they wrapped up the entire Google event.


So this is something that I found really cool, really fun.


I'm excited to see this play out, but they also talked about how this augmented reality technology is available for developers to develop on.


So you can use the Google Maps tools and their augmented reality tools to build games like that yourself.


They call it the AI Core geospatial API, and developers will have access to that API to build similar stuff to this augmented reality Space Invaders game.


That's pretty much my recap of everything that they talked about during Google I/O. I do have a 15-minute recap on Twitter again that will be linked below.

以上、Google I/Oで語られたことをほぼすべてまとめてみました。またTwitterで15分程度にまとめたものがあるので、そちらを下にリンクしておきます。

It really is a super edit of four hours down into just 15 minutes, and if you want to know about all of the various AI stuff they talked about, that's the place to go and watch it.


Alright, so wrapping up the week.


Stability AI announced the stable animation SDK, which means that developers can now build animation tools using Stability AI's animation program.

Stability AIは、stable animation SDKを発表しました。これは、開発者がStability AIのアニメーション・プログラムを使ってアニメーション・ツールを構築できるようになったことを意味します。

This looks very similar to D4M plus ControlNet, which I've talked about in previous videos.

これは、以前のビデオでお話したD4M plus ControlNetと非常によく似ています。

However, Stability AI's version is not open source.

しかし、Stability AIのバージョンはオープンソースではありません。

From what I can tell, they actually charge to use this API in your software.


But it looks to be some sort of newer version of D4M technology.


Moving on, Anthropic announced a 100,000 context window for AI.


When you're using something like ChatGPT, GPT-3, or GPT-4, and you put a big chunk of text in there, like let's say you're trying to read an online document and it says that you're out of tokens, there's not enough tokens to read this whole thing.


That's because GPT-4 only lets you use 8,000 tokens at a time.


The higher limit of GPT-4 gives you a 32,000 limit, but most people don't have access to that.


I don't have access to that.


Well, Anthropic gives us a 100,000 token limit, which gets us roughly 75,000 words.


So between your input text and the text that it outputs, you can have a combined 75,000ish words.


In Anthropic's demo video, they actually upload a 240-page document and then ask questions of that giant document and get information back out of it.


You couldn't even come close to doing that with GPT-4 right now with their 8,000 token limit, which gets you roughly 6,000 words.


Although you can use a lot more words when using Anthropic, it's not yet available to everybody.


You have to request access to get it.


And in my opinion, it's not quite as good as the output that you can get from something like GPT-4 right now.


If you really want to see the difference between something like GPT-4 and Claude, you can come over to nat.dev/compare, enter a prompt here, and actually see the output that you'd get out of Anthropic's Claude and OpenAI's GPT-4 and compare the differences.


While Claude is much faster, GPT-4 just seems to be a lot more detailed.


And there you have it.


That's my wrap-up of all of the news that happened this week.


I'm recording this on Thursday, so there might be more news on Friday that I didn't get to in this video.


But I'll try to cover it in next week's video if there was.


And if you like nerding out about all of this news and all of this cool tech and all of these cool tools, check out futuretools.io.


This is where I curate all of the coolest tools that I come across.


I add new tools every single day.


I also keep you in the loop with all of the latest AI news.


It's probably the most up-to-date resource on AI news on the entire internet.


I'm a little biased, but I'm pretty sure it is.


And if all of this is just too much for you, you just want a once-a-week TLDR of everything that's happening in the AI space, join the free newsletter.


And I will cut it down to just the five coolest tools that I come across, just a handful of the most important news that came out from the week, a few YouTube videos, and one cool way to make money with AI.


It's the TLDR of the world of AI.


It goes out every Friday.


I won't send you any other emails throughout the week, and you can find it at futuretools.io by clicking on the Join the free newsletter button.

一週間を通して他のメールは送りません。Futuretools.ioの「Join the free newsletter」ボタンをクリックすると、ご覧いただけます。

So once again, the pace of this AI news really seems to be picking up, and I really really appreciate you tuning in to this channel to keep in the loop.


If you like this video and you want to see more like it, make sure you give it a thumbs up.


And if you're not subscribed already, subscribe to this channel because I make videos like this news video every Friday, and I make cool challenges and tutorials and various breakdowns of research and other cool AI info throughout the rest of the week.


So make sure you're subscribed if you aren't already.


Thanks again for tuning in.


I do really really appreciate you.


I'll see you guys in the next video.




Thank you.

