

Yanagi Eigo
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In the realm of ( ① ) English, the adage "Where there's a will, there's a ( ② )" holds profound truth. The digital age, with resources like YouTube, has democratized ( ③ ), offering limitless opportunities to master the English ( ④ ) at no cost. Even in the bygone eras of the Showa period, devoid of today's ( ⑤ ), there were individuals who, driven by sheer determination, became proficient in English.

The crux of the matter lies not in the abundance or ( ⑥ ) of resources but in the individual's resolve. Some embark on this journey with unwavering commitment, integrating daily language practices, engaging with native content, and seizing every ( ⑦ ) to converse in English. They view challenges as stepping stones, not ( ⑧ ) blocks.

Conversely, there are those who, despite the wealth of resources at their ( ⑨ ), remain on the periphery. The reasons vary - from fear of making mistakes to being overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the task. For them, the path remains ( ⑩ ), not for lack of opportunity but for lack of action.

Ultimately, the journey of learning English—or any skill, for that matter—is a testament to one's perseverance. It's about making the choice, day in and day out, to embrace the process, with all its ups and downs. So, whether you're leveraging cutting-edge tools or traditional methods, remember, the defining factor is not what you have, but what you do with it. In the end, those who are determined to learn will find a way, while those who aren't will find an excuse.

Q1: What does the passage suggest is the key to learning English or any other skill?
A. Having access to modern technology and resources.
B. The individual's determination and willingness to learn.
C. The amount of money one is willing to spend on learning materials.
D. The number of hours spent studying each day.

Q2: According to the passage, what role do resources like YouTube play in learning English?
A. They democratize education, providing free access to learning opportunities.
B. They replace traditional learning methods entirely.
C. They make learning English more expensive and inaccessible for most people.
D. They are useful only for those who already have a basic understanding of English.

In the realm of learning English, the adage "Where there's a will, there's a way" holds profound truth. The digital age, with resources like YouTube, has democratized education, offering limitless opportunities to master the English language at no cost. Even in the bygone eras of the Showa period, devoid of today's conveniences, there were individuals who, driven by sheer determination, became proficient in English.

The crux of the matter lies not in the abundance or scarcity of resources but in the individual's resolve. Some embark on this journey with unwavering commitment, integrating daily language practices, engaging with native content, and seizing every chance to converse in English. They view challenges as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.

Conversely, there are those who, despite the wealth of resources at their fingertips, remain on the periphery. The reasons vary - from fear of making mistakes to being overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the task. For them, the path remains untrodden, not for lack of opportunity but for lack of action.

Ultimately, the journey of learning English—or any skill, for that matter—is a testament to one's perseverance. It's about making the choice, day in and day out, to embrace the process, with all its ups and downs. So, whether you're leveraging cutting-edge tools or traditional methods, remember, the defining factor is not what you have, but what you do with it. In the end, those who are determined to learn will find a way, while those who aren't will find an excuse.



逆に、指先に豊富なリソースがあるにもかかわらず、周縁部に留まる人々もいます。理由は様々です - 間違いを恐れることから、その仕事の膨大な規模に圧倒されることまで。彼らにとって、道は機会の欠如ではなく、行動の欠如のために未踏のままです。


1. realm:領域
2. adage:ことわざ
3. will:意志
4. profound:深い
5. democratize:民主化する
6. resources:リソース、資源
7. opportunities:機会
8. master:習得する
9. cost:コスト、費用
10. eras:時代
11. conveniences:便利さ
12. determination:決意
13. proficient:熟達した
14. abundance:豊富
15. scarcity:不足
16. unwavering:揺るぎない
17. commitment:コミットメント、約束
18. challenges:挑戦
19. periphery:周辺
20. testament:証、証明

- "Where there's a will, there's a way" は典型的な条件節の構造を示しています。ここでは、"where" が "if" の意味で使われ、ある条件(意志がある場合)が満たされたときに、ある結果(方法が見つかる)が生じると述べています。

2. 現在完了形:
- "have democratized" は現在完了形を使用しており、過去のある時点で始まり、現在まで続いているか、その影響が現在に及んでいる動作を示しています。この場合、デジタル時代が教育を民主化したと述べています。

3. 比喩表現:
- "view challenges as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks" では、比喩を用いて挑戦を前進するための「足掛かり」と見なし、それを「つまずき石」とは見なさないという考え方を示しています。これは、抽象的な概念を具体的なイメージで表現する文法的な手法です。

4. 受動態:
- このコンテンツには明確な受動態の例はありませんが、「...has been democratized...」のように変更することで、受動態を作成することができます。これは、教育が民主化されたという状況を示し、誰がそれを行ったかは明示されていません。

5. 不定詞の目的語:
- "to master the English language" では、不定詞の構造「to + 動詞」が目的語として機能しています。ここでは、英語を習得するという目的または目標を示しています。

6. 分詞構文:
- "driven by sheer determination" では、過去分詞「driven」が「by sheer determination」によって修飾されており、人々がどのように英語を習得したかを説明しています。これは分詞構文の一例です。

①= learning
②= way
③= education
④= language
⑤= conveniences
⑥= scarcity
⑦= chance
⑧= stumbling
⑨= fingertips
⑩= untrodden

Q1=B. The individual's determination and willingness to learn.
Q2=A. They democratize education, providing free access to learning opportunities.
