

Yanagi Eigo
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Learning a language, especially its grammar, can be a daunting task. Even native speakers struggle to ( ① ) every rule perfectly. And pronunciation? That's another hill to climb, often feeling like an endless pursuit for ( ② ). But remember, language is merely a ( ③ ) for communication. It's important to note that around the globe, the majority of English speakers are non-natives.

Striving to ( ④ ) like a native is admirable, but if you find yourself hitting a wall in your English learning journey, perhaps it's time to let go of the notion of ( ⑤ ) exactly like a native speaker. English, after all, is a global language, enriched and shaped by its diverse speakers. Your unique ( ⑥ ) and perspective add to this richness.

So, if you're feeling stuck, consider shifting your focus. Language learning is not just about mastering rules or pronunciation. It's about expressing ideas, connecting with others, and growing as a global citizen. Your progress, no matter the pace, is a step forward in this incredible journey of communication. Let's cherish our unique paths in learning English, embracing every ( ⑦ ) and triumph along the way.

Q1: What does the passage suggest is a difficult aspect of learning a language for even native speakers?
A. Communicating ideas clearly
B. Connecting with non-natives
C. Growing as a global citizen
D. Grasping every rule of grammar perfectly

Q2: According to the passage, what should learners focus on if they find themselves struggling in their English learning journey?
A. Mastering every rule and pronunciation
B. Speaking exactly like a native speaker
C. Expressing ideas and connecting with others
D. Perfecting their accent to match native speakers

Learning a language, especially its grammar, can be a daunting task. Even native speakers struggle to grasp every rule perfectly. And pronunciation? That's another hill to climb, often feeling like an endless pursuit for perfection. But remember, language is merely a tool for communication. It's important to note that around the globe, the majority of English speakers are non-natives.

Striving to speak like a native is admirable, but if you find yourself hitting a wall in your English learning journey, perhaps it's time to let go of the notion of sounding exactly like a native speaker. English, after all, is a global language, enriched and shaped by its diverse speakers. Your unique accent and perspective add to this richness.

So, if you're feeling stuck, consider shifting your focus. Language learning is not just about mastering rules or pronunciation. It's about expressing ideas, connecting with others, and growing as a global citizen. Your progress, no matter the pace, is a step forward in this incredible journey of communication. Let's cherish our unique paths in learning English, embracing every stumble and triumph along the way.




1. Learning:学習
2. Grammar:文法
3. Daunting:威圧感を与える、気が重い
4. Native speakers:ネイティブスピーカー
5. Grasp:理解する
6. Pronunciation:発音
7. Endless pursuit:終わりのない追求
8. Perfection:完璧さ
9. Tool:道具
10. Communication:コミュニケーション
11. Global:グローバルな
12. Striving:努力する
13. Journey:旅
14. Notion:概念
15. Sounding:〜のように聞こえる
16. Accent:アクセント
17. Shifting focus:焦点を変える
18. Expressing:表現する
19. Connecting:繋がる
20. Triumph:成功、勝利

1.複合文(Complex Sentences):複数の節を組み合わせた文です。
「Even native speakers struggle to grasp every rule perfectly.」この文では、「Even native speakers」が主節、「to grasp every rule perfectly」が従属節を形成しています。

2.仮定法(Conditional Sentences):ある条件が満たされた場合に何が起こるかを示します。
「if you find yourself hitting a wall in your English learning journey, perhaps it's time to let go of the notion of sounding exactly like a native speaker.」この文は、ある条件(壁にぶつかること)が起きた場合に、何をすべきかを提案しています。

3.動名詞と不定詞(Gerunds and Infinitives):動名詞(-ing 形)と不定詞(to + 動詞基形)は、主語や目的語として使われることがあります。
「Learning a language... can be a daunting task. 」(動名詞)、「Striving to speak like a native is admirable.」(不定詞)

4.現在分詞と過去分詞を用いた形容詞句(Adjective Phrases using Present and Past Participles):現在分詞(-ing 形)や過去分詞(-ed 形)を使った形容詞句は、文中で名詞を修飾します。
「feeling stuck」や「expressing ideas」などが例です。

5.比較構文 (Comparative Structures):2つ以上の事物を比較する際に用います。
「Your unique accent and perspective add to this richness.」この文では、ユニークなアクセントと視点が豊かさにどのように貢献するかを比較しています。


Q1: D. Grasping every rule of grammar perfectly
Q2: C. Expressing ideas and connecting with others
