
2024/02/01 NHK English News スクリプト



      We start in Myanmar where state where media reports the military has extended the state of emergency in the country by another six months. This extension means a new general election remains out of reach. The Junta first imposed the rule after seizing power three years ago Thursday. Military leaders staged a coup on February 1st 2021, claiming the previous year's election was fraudulent. They detained Aung San su chi. This party had won by a landslide. The Nobel Peace Prize laureates remains in detention. The military vowed to redo the election but in the meantime, it has cracked down on civilian protesters. It launched airstrikes and villages across the country, as battles intensified with pro democracy forces and ethnic minorities. The human rights group in Myanmar says almost a 4500 civilians have been killed. Many more had been displaced, including some who have fled to neighboring Thailand, creating exterior rating humanitarian. government has promised to hold a general election once the country's security situation has stabilized but struggling to fend off growing armed opposition, casting doubt over when civilian rule it will return.
     Last October three ethnic minority groups launched coordinated attacks in the eastern state of Cheyenne which borders China. They overran towns and military bases. Before Beijing mediated a temporary ceasefire. In January, ethnic minority militants in the western state of Rakhine began ramping up attacks on the military. Some troops were even forced to flee to India.
     A Thai court has ruled against the largest opposition parties bid to amend a royal defamation law. The move forward party had pledged during last year's general election to change the law that makes it illegal to insult the country's royal family. The Constitutional Court said on Wednesday that the pledge to amend the latest majesty law was tantamount to an attempt to overthrow the Royal Institution in order to party to stop pushing the 14th amendment. Following the court's ruling, the leaders of the move forward party said that they were not attempting to overthrow the monarchy.
     The attempted amendment was to keep Thailand as a constitutional monarchy and find a consensus for Thailand to move forward politically.
The move forward party came in first in the general election. It's pledged to amend with the Royal defamation law aimed at young supporters. It has also sought to eliminate the military's influence from Thai politics. But the Pheu Thai party managed to form a government by joining forces with pro military parties making move forward and opposition party. It remains popular in the country. But the court's ruling could open the door for conservatives to try and demand the dissolution of the party.


  1. State of emergency:(非常事態宣言) Example sentence: The government declared a state of emergency following the natural disaster. 訳: 自然災害の後、政府は非常事態宣言を発表しました。

  2. Junta:(軍事政権) Example sentence: The junta took control of the country after the coup. 訳: クーデターの後、軍事政権が国の支配を握りました。

  3. Coup:(クーデター) Example sentence: The military staged a coup to overthrow the government. 訳: 軍は政府を転覆させるためにクーデターを起こしました。

  4. Landslide:(圧倒的多数) Example sentence: The party won the election by a landslide. 訳: その党は選挙で圧倒的多数を得て勝利しました。

  5. Defamation:(名誉毀損) Example sentence: The journalist was sued for defamation after publishing the article. 訳: その記事を公開した後、ジャーナリストは名誉毀損で訴えられました。

  6. Dissolution:(解散) Example sentence: The government faced dissolution after the vote of no confidence. 訳: 不信任投票の後、政府は解散に直面しました。

  7. Overthrow:(打倒する) Example sentence: The rebels planned to overthrow the existing regime. 訳: 反乱軍は既存の政権を打倒する計画を立てました。

  8. Ramp up:(増加させる) Example sentence: The company decided to ramp up its production to meet the increasing demand. 訳: 会社は増加する需要に応えるために生産を増加させることを決定しました。

  9. Fend off:(撃退する) Example sentence: The small village managed to fend off the invaders. 訳: その小さな村は侵略者を撃退することに成功しました。







