
2024/01/23 NHK English News スクリプト



     We start in central Japan, where communities are still struggling more than three weeks after the deadly New Year's earthquake. Thousands are still living in temporary shelters lacking running water and in desperate need of aid. At least 233 people were killed in Ishikawa prefecture, including 15 disaster-related deaths in the aftermath of the earthquake. Twenty-two people are still unaccounted for. The tremors laid waste to vast parts of Wajima and other cities along the Noto Peninsula. Devastated families are dealing with the realities of losing loved ones in a disaster zone. I spoke to a man in Suzu city whose mother and brother were killed when their house collapsed during the earthquake and tsunami. The cause of their deaths was being crushed, not drowning. So, I don't think they had to suffer twice. Damage in Suzu made performing their funerals impossible. So, he drove seven hours to another city with their remains. "It was the first time we all drove together. I told them, it was our first and last drive." Those who lived through the worst of the quake are waiting to learn when basic utilities will return. About 49,000 homes still do not have running water. The earliest it is expected to be restored is late February. Many communities remain cut off by damaged roads. Areas hit by the quake are also bracing for heavy snowfall, which is expected to begin on Tuesday. Regulators say the quake highlights lingering issues in Japan's nuclear industry more than a decade after the triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Ishikawa prefecture's only nuclear facility itself suffered just minor damage, but some worrying cracks were still exposed in other areas. The Shika Nuclear Plant sits on the west coast of the Noto Peninsula. Its two reactors have been kept offline since 2011. But it still needs a steady power supply to cool spent fuel. During the quake, the facility's transformers were damaged. It's been forced to run on backup lines, and utility officials say it'll take more than six months to fully restore the system. Concerns have also been raised about tsunami-related communications. Officials initially reported no significant change in water levels at the plant, but hours later they changed that assessment, saying they detected a three-meter rise in waters. The company has attributed the error to an internal communication breakdown. Japan's watchdog says the issues need to be addressed. "How to accurately share important information was one of the biggest lessons we've learned from the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. The power company still has a lot to improve." Now the quake underscored another unresolved problem: how to protect residents living near nuclear facilities during a natural disaster. Nearly 150,000 people live within 30 kilometers of the Shika nuclear plant. Thousands struggled to flee and find shelter on January 1 due to damaged roads and collapsed buildings. Similar problems could arise if another quake damages the plant. Authorities say they're working to update evacuation plans so as many people as possible can make it to safety.


Word: Tremors (地震) Example sentence: The tremors were felt across the city, causing panic among the residents. 訳: 地震は市全体で感じられ、住民の間でパニックを引き起こしました。

  1. Word: Devastated (荒廃した)
    Example sentence: The hurricane left the coastal town devastated, with homes and businesses destroyed.
    訳: ハリケーンは沿岸の町を荒廃させ、家屋やビジネスが破壊されました。

  2. Word: Utilities (公共サービス)
    Example sentence: After the storm, it took weeks to restore utilities like electricity and water to the affected areas.
    訳: 嵐の後、影響を受けた地域に電気や水などの公共サービスを復旧させるのに数週間かかりました。

  3. Word: Bracing (準備を整える)
    Example sentence: The city is bracing for the upcoming winter storm by preparing emergency shelters and stocking up on supplies.
    訳: 市は、緊急避難所の準備と供給品の備蓄により、来る冬の嵐に備えています。

  4. Word: Lingering (長引く)
    Example sentence: The lingering effects of the recession are still visible in the unemployment rates.
    訳: 不況の長引く影響は、失業率にまだ見られます。

  5. Word: Evacuation (避難)
    Example sentence: The evacuation of the residents was ordered due to the rising floodwaters.
    訳: 洪水の水位上昇のため、住民の避難が命じられました。

  6. Word: Restoration (復旧)
    Example sentence: The restoration of the old theater will help revive the downtown area.
    訳: 古い劇場の復旧は、ダウンタウンの活性化に役立つでしょう。

  7. Word: Assessment (評価)
    Example sentence: The team carried out an assessment of the building's safety after the earthquake.
    訳: チームは地震の後、建物の安全性に関する評価を行いました。

  8. Word: Utilities (公共サービス)
    Example sentence: The new housing development will include all essential utilities like gas, water, and electricity.
    訳: 新しい住宅開発には、ガス、水、電気などのすべての基本的な公共サービスが含まれます。


