
2024/01/22 NHK English News スクリプト



     Monday, March 20, 2024 - Three weeks have passed since a powerful earthquake struck central Japan on New Year's Day. So far, 232 people have been confirmed dead in Ishikawa Prefecture. Officials have released the names of 22 people still unaccounted for. Some survivors are suffering from the trauma of being unable to save their loved ones. Asaichi Street, once a popular tourist spot in Wajima City, was devastated by the quake and the massive fire it triggered. Shimizu Hinoki's parents' home was nearby. The strong shaking began while he and his parents were eating their traditional New Year's meal. He rushed outside to his car to prepare for his family to evacuate, but then a second tremor struck, and the house collapsed, burying his parents. Shimizu says he could not see them, but he heard his mother calling for him to get help. As the flames got closer, he had no choice but to leave his parents behind.

     On January 9th, police informed him that human remains had been found at the site where his parents' house once stood. They have yet to be identified. This winter's strongest cold air mass is expected to bring heavy snow to the Noto Peninsula from Tuesday. The Meteorological Agency is calling on people to be alert for traffic disruptions as well as avalanches and snow accretion.

     "We're collecting donations; please give us your help." Meanwhile, a group of volunteers solicited donations on the streets of Tokyo to help support traditional crafts in the affected areas. Ishikawa Prefecture is known for Wajima-nuri lacquerware, but many studios and offices there collapsed in the quake. A group member says efforts to preserve Ishikawa industries are important and the money will be used to help keep its cultural traditions alive.

     Former US President John Donald Trump has cited President Harry Truman's decision to drop atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in his bid to secure presidential immunity from prosecution. The leading Republican contender in this year's presidential election was speaking at a rally in New Hampshire ahead of the state's Republican primary. "You have to give a president immunity; otherwise, take a look at Harry Truman. He wouldn't have done it if you think Hiroshima. Not exactly a nice act, but it did end the Second World War, probably. Right. You have to give a president full and total immunity." Trump has been indicted for attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, among other charges, in a trial over the storming of the Capitol by his supporters. He argues that former presidents cannot face criminal charges for conduct related to their official responsibilities. The case is being deliberated at a federal appeals court.

     US presidential candidate Nikki Haley has denied speculation she would agree to run as Trump's Vice President if he wins the Republican nomination. The former US ambassador to the United Nations is in New Hampshire ahead of that state's primary. US media reported Haley said she does not want to be anybody's vice president, so that's off the table. She made the remarks in our local diner. Recent polls show Haley still trails Trump, though some show her closing the gap. Trump won the first Republican primary in Iowa by a large margin.


  1. Devastated: (荒廃した)

    • Example sentence: The city was devastated by the natural disaster, leaving many homeless.

    • 訳: 自然災害により市は荒廃し、多くの人が家を失った。

  2. Meteorological: (気象の)

    • Example sentence: The Meteorological Agency issued warnings for severe weather conditions.

    • 訳: 気象庁は厳しい天候の警告を発令した。

  3. Solicited: (求めた)

    • Example sentence: Volunteers solicited donations to help the earthquake victims.

    • 訳: ボランティアは地震の被害者を助けるために寄付を求めた。

  4. Accretion: (蓄積)

    • Example sentence: The snow accretion on the roads made driving dangerous.

    • 訳: 道路上の雪の蓄積が運転を危険にした。

  5. Indicted: (起訴された)

    • Example sentence: The former president was indicted for his alleged involvement in the scandal.

    • 訳: その元大統領はスキャンダルへの関与が疑われて起訴された。

  6. Immunity: (免疫)

    • Example sentence: The politician sought legal immunity for his actions while in office.

    • 訳: その政治家は在任中の行動に対する法的免疫を求めた。

  7. Contender: (競争者)

    • Example sentence: She is a strong contender for the championship title.

    • 訳: 彼女はチャンピオンシップのタイトルのための強力な競争者です。


 2024年3月20日(月曜日) - 新年の日に中部日本を襲った強力な地震から3週間が経過しました。これまでに、石川県で232人が死亡したと確認されています。22人が行方不明のままで、その名前が公表されました。生存者の中には、愛する人を救うことができなかったトラウマに苦しんでいる人もいます。輪島市の人気観光地だった朝市通りは、地震とそれに引き起こされた大規模な火災によって荒廃しました。清水ひのきの両親の家は近くにありました。彼と両親が伝統的な新年の食事をしている最中に、強い揺れが始まりました。彼は家族を避難させるために車に急いで外に出ましたが、その後2回目の揺れが発生し、家が崩れ、両親が埋もれました。清水は両親を見ることができなかったと言いますが、母親が助けを求めて彼を呼ぶ声を聞いたそうです。炎が近づくにつれ、彼は両親を置いて行く他に選択肢がありませんでした。




