WISHING"Road To Recovery" 06/10/21 ダブル・トラック・パンデミックTwo Track Pandemic





IMFによれば、推定500億ドル(5兆5千億円)の投資で、開発途上国でのパンデミックをより早く終息させ、2025年までに世界全体で9兆ドル(990兆円)(180倍)の追加生産高という膨大な開発配当をもたらし、世界の成長と福祉とを同時に向上させます。手頃な価格、投資であり、公的資金としての最良の見本になります。 同時に変異株の感染拡大を阻止するためには不可欠であり、「世界で最も優れた保険」になります。





In some wealthy countries, the rollout of booster shots to the population is already being discussed. In developing countries, on the other hand, the vast majority of people, even front-line health care workers, have yet to receive their first dose of vaccination. The most affected are low-income countries, where vaccination coverage is still less than 1%. We are increasingly seeing a "two-track pandemic," a double-tiered pandemic in which rich countries have access to vaccines, but poor countries are left behind.

The inequitable distribution of vaccines not only makes millions of people more vulnerable to the virus, but also allows deadly mutant strains to emerge, increasing the likelihood that they will bounce back around the world. This would force even the most highly vaccinated countries to take stricter public health measures and travel restrictions, while further widening economic disparities.

Leaders of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank, and World Trade Organization (WTO) have called on the G7 to prevent a "two-track pandemic.

(For reference: Japan, with a population of 120 million, has a national budget of 300 trillion yen; the United States, with a population of 330 million, has a national budget of 528 trillion yen.)
According to the IMF, an investment of an estimated $50 billion (¥5.5 trillion) would bring a faster end to pandemics in developing countries and a huge development dividend of $9 trillion (¥990 trillion) (180 times) additional global output by 2025, simultaneously improving global growth and welfare. It is affordable, it is an investment, and it is the best example of public financing. At the same time, it is essential to stop the spread of mutated strains, making it "the best insurance policy in the world.

WHO and its COVAX partners have set a goal of vaccinating about 30 percent of the population in all countries by the end of 2021. With additional investments, the vaccination coverage could reach 40% and at least 60% by the first half of 2022.

The COVAX initiative was able to secure pledges of $2.4 billion (264 billion yen) and $800 million (88 billion yen) from Japan at a virtual summit hosted by Japan on June 2. has raised a total of $9.6 billion (1,056 billion yen) with the goal of providing 1.8 billion doses of vaccines to low-income economies in 2021 and early 2022. to date, COVAX has shipped more than 81 million doses of vaccines to 129 participating countries.

The IMF is preparing an unprecedented Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocation to boost member country reserves and liquidity, and WHO is seeking funding to meet the urgent needs of its Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan and ACT-Accelerator partnership. The World Bank plans to launch vaccine projects in at least 50 countries by the middle of this year. The International Finance Corporation is mobilizing the private sector to step up the supply of vaccines to developing countries, and the WTO is working to liberalize its supply chain to ensure the success of this plan.

Ending the pandemic is a solvable problem, and global action is needed now (662).

