COVID-19 updates 10/29/20イベルメクチン鼻スプレーIvermectin nasal spray


ブタでの実験で、経鼻 IVM スプレーは,ウイルスの侵入と複製の主な部位である鼻咽頭組織における高濃度かつ持続的なIVM濃度を迅速に達成することができました。

Ivermectin (IVM) inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication at high concentrations in the laboratory. However, to achieve high concentrations in the lungs via oral administration, the concentration is too high in the blood, which causes side effects. Nonetheless, IVM is already used universally for treatment in other countries.

Intranasal IVM sprays were able to rapidly achieve high and sustained IVM concentrations in nasopharyngeal tissue, the primary site of viral entry and replication in an experiment with pigs.
After two nasal doses, significant increases in IVM concentrations were observed in both nasopharyngeal tissue and the lungs. Blood concentrations were kept low and no local or systemic adverse events were observed. Efficacy in humans against the real virus is not known(352).

