WISHING"Road To Recovery" 06/14/21 アストラゼネカ第2世代ワクチンがデルタ株にも効く可能性AstraZeneca's second-generation vaccine may work against delta strains


良く知られたVOC(variant of concern)懸念される変異株には、イギリスで最初に確認されたB.1.1.7(アルファ)、南アフリカで確認されたB.1.351(ベータ)、ブラジルで確認されたP.1(ガンマ)のほか、インド発のB.1.617.1(カッパ)とB.1.617.2(デルタ)があります。すべてのVOCには、感染力を高めるD614G変異が含まれており、スパイクタンパク質の発現を増加させることによるものと考えられています。






The key to the future is the availability and use of a vaccine against the B.1.617.2 (Delta) strain from India.

Well-known variant of concern (VOC) strains include B.1.1.7 (alpha), first identified in the United Kingdom, B.1.351 (beta) in South Africa, P.1 (gamma) in Brazil, and B.1.617.1 (kappa) from India. B.1.617.1 (Kappa) and B.1.617.2 (Delta) from India. All VOCs contain the D614G mutation, which increases infectivity and is thought to be due to increased expression of spike proteins.

The L452R mutation is present in B.1.429 (Epsilon), Kappa, and Delta and reduces susceptibility to neutralizing antibodies.
E484K (eek) in both beta and gamma isolates is thought to increase the binding of spike receptors and confer the ability for antibodies to escape.
The N501Y mutation found in beta, alpha, and gamma has been found to inhibit neutralization when combined with E484K and D614G.
Beta contains N501Y and 484K, which are thought to increase the binding affinity of spike receptors.

Adenovirus vectors and mRNA-based vaccines can readily incorporate mutated spike antigens to accommodate new mutant strains. A single dose of AZD2816, AstraZeneca's second-generation variant vaccine against the beta strain, in mice resulted in T-cell immunity against both the original virus and the beta strain.

A booster dose of AZD2816 in mice that had received a single dose of AstraZeneca's first-generation AZD1222 vaccine, the vaccine used in the study, increased antibodies targeting the original virus and the beta strain spike. An important finding was that antibodies to other variants - gamma, epsilon, kappa and delta strains - also increased.

Mice that had received two doses of AZD1222, four weeks apart, and a third booster dose of AZD2816, acquired T-cell immunity to a similarly broad range of variants, but the T cells were more responsive to stimulation of the unmutated sites of the spike. In particular, high responses to alpha and epsilon were obtained.

Thus, a single booster with AstraZeneca's second-generation vector vaccine AZD2816 not only further enhanced the antibody response to its target strain, beta, but also induced cross-reactivity to other mutant strains, including delta (671).

