WISHING"Road To Recovery" 06/09/21 マスク仮説再びMask Hypothesis Again




高用量のウイルスが肺胞に到達すると、気道上皮細胞が死滅し、炎症性サイトカインやケモカインが産生されて免疫細胞が肺に集まります。一方、低用量では炎症反応が起こらずに、ウイルスが処理され、主要組織適合性複合体を介してCD4+またはCD8+ T細胞に提示され、その結果、SARS-CoV-2ウイルスに対する適応免疫反応が発現する可能性があります。


This may explain why the 1918 pandemic was reversed by the widespread use of masks [08/27/20], why otolaryngologists and dentists who boldly continued to practice with only masks in the midst of the current pandemic were fortunate not to become infected, and why the number of infected people in the mask-loving Japanese population was low. 

Despite the increase in the incidence of COVID in most European countries in 2021, neither the severity of the disease nor the mortality rate has increased proportionately. The distribution of patients in Italy from February 2020 to April 2021 shows an increase in asymptomatic and mild cases without an increase in severe cases.

To explain this phenomenon, it has been hypothesized that exposure to low amounts of virus leaking from masks can reduce the severity of the disease; in mouse models of MERS and SARS, low levels of virus have been shown to reduce disease symptoms. The same results have been obtained in hamster models and ferrets infected with SARS-CoV-2.

When high doses of the virus reach the alveoli, airway epithelial cells die, inflammatory cytokines and chemokines are produced, and immune cells are attracted to the lungs. In contrast, at low doses, the virus is processed and presented to CD4+ or CD8+ T cells via major histocompatibility complexes without causing an inflammatory response, which may result in the development of an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Widespread mask wearing may play a dual role, inhibiting the harmful spread of SARS-CoV-2 particles in the short term and allowing the development of extensive immune defenses in the long term. The implication is that masks may be an effective tool for turning a pandemic into an endemic by enabling natural immune acquisition without increasing the number of severely ill people (661).

