COVID-19 updates 09/22/20パンデミックが終わる形Image of the end of the pandemic














Deep down, everyone believes that the pandemic is over. We feel that we are not going to live with the corona entirely. We hope that life will come to life as it was before, with the mask off.
The history of the pandemic teaches us that it has an end. It is providence that there is no beginning without an end. So the pandemic will always end.

People want to know how it's going to end. They want to know if it will end with 30% of humanity gone, or if it will converge in waves that will come and go over a number of years. Knowing this will keep us believing and acting on it without breaking our hearts. The sum of those people's attitudes is the very force that will end the pandemic.

That's why we need a picture of how it will end, the so-called roadmap.

As of September 20.
If the relationship between "spreading power = virus infectivity x number of new infections" ≤ "deterrence = social isolation + immunity" is sustained, the virus will disappear and the pandemic will end.
Experts do not believe that a single shot will change the shape of the disease. Pandemics do not end abruptly with a single drug or vaccine. We must accept reality so that we don't waste our time and emotional energy on such expectations.

Rather, it is a bundle of small, imperfect means that together constitute a "deterrent to infection. The accumulation of such measures by all of humanity will enable us to maintain a strong "deterrent force for infection". As a result, it may take some time, but the virus will slowly disappear.

Both social distancing and wearing a mask are a bunch of "infection deterrents".

Vaccines, of course, are one of the "immune" bundles. However, the vaccine will not make the mask instantly unnecessary. On the contrary, if you can accept that masks will become a permanent part of your life, you will be able to maintain a strong "infection deterrent".

Maintaining as much outdoor interaction and exercise as possible is one of a bunch of "social isolation forces".

Shortening the length of stay is another bundle of "social isolation power".
With respiratory viruses, inhaling high doses of the virus increases your chances of getting sick. Don't stay in high-risk areas for too long.

A system for rapid and reliable detection of coronavirus in schools, offices and all social activities should be the most effective bundle of "transmission deterrence".

Permanently improving the ventilation system of every building as an essential infrastructure is an important tool. Without it to protect people, we will not be able to permanently bring people back to our businesses and stores, and we will not be able to restore the supply chain of everything.

And when cities, schools, businesses and buildings are back in operation, it is important to have clear guidelines in place for when and how activities will be reduced, closed or withdrawn. A situation where everything shuts down in a week could in fact cripple the "social isolation force" and make it difficult to maintain. Being prepared with the intention that future movements will not necessarily be unidirectional towards normalization, but rather a series of ups and downs, is a force that will keep the "social isolation force" strong.

All of these measures depend on imagining how the pandemic will end. All we need to do now is to move forward slowly, with no fireworks or parades, only slow progress (191)(293).


