COVID-19 updates 10/17/20低温安定による効果Effect of low temperature stability




Trend direction formula as follows,
“Ability to spread the infection = virus infectivity x number of new infections” = “Deterrence of infection = social isolation force+ immunity force”
In Europe, the "social isolation force" has decreased and the "number of new infections" has increased, and the "Ability to spread the infection" has become greater. However, not only in Europe, but also in colder regions such as Illinois and New York, the trend of infection is slowly turning into an upward trend since September.

Atomic force microscopy was used to examine the stability of the viral particles, which were stable for at least a week or more in an aqueous solution at 0°C. they observed that the structure of the viral particles nearly disintegrated within 30 minutes in a dry environment at 34℃, which is exactly the same environment as the summer outdoors. However, when they were exposed to an environment of 22℃, which is exactly the same as this time of year, they did not disintegrate and remained stable. From the data, it can be inferred that this temperature change alone could increase the "virus infectivity" by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude or more (333).

In Europe, the increase in the "number of new infections" and the increase in the "virus infectivity" due to the drop in temperature were multiplied, and it is presumed that the "deterrence of infection" was suddenly exceeded.
If the "virus infectivity" increases before the current "number of new infections" does not decrease, the equation may suddenly become unbalanced due to the effect of the multiplication. It's no secret that if it starts to fall apart, it's early.

