WISHING"Road To Recovery" 11/26/20リンパ球実験で示されたBCGの有効性Efficacy of BCG shown in lymphocyte experiments






BCG vaccine has been found to elicit a lymphocyte response to SARS-CoV-2.

The substance BCG is a mass of many different types of protein chains, as is SARS-CoV-2, a mass of many protein chains. A protein chain is made up of blocks of only 20 different amino acids. Therefore, it is possible for organisms on Earth to have similarly ordered proteins, either by chance or for a reason.

Among the components of BCG were found eight protein moieties (peptides) whose sequences are very similar to those of SARS-CoV-2 proteins NSP3 and part of NSP13.
They stimulated human lymphocytes with those eight peptides extracted from BCG and created lymphocytes that responded to each peptide. Those lymphocytes were then sprinkled with the eight peptides extracted from SARS-CoV-2, and the lymphocytes were activated and proliferated. The lymphocytes were activated, proliferated, and expressed the substances interferon and perforin, which are the weapons of the immune soldier.

Ninety-seven to 99% of human lymphocytes worldwide showed these cross-reactivity to at least seven of the eight peptides extracted from SARS-CoV-2. This cross-reactivity occurred equally regardless of whether the owner of the lymphocytes had received BCG in the past or not, and regardless of gender.

More than 15 clinical trials are underway to determine whether BCG can prevent or reduce the severity of COVID(398).

