WISHING"Road To Recovery" 06/12/21 ワクチン接種による伝播経路遮断効果Effectiveness of vaccination in blocking transmission routes





A study of a large population of 177 communities in Israel found a clear correlation: for every 20 percent increase in the proportion of people aged 16 to 50 who were vaccinated in a community, the proportion of unvaccinated people under the age of 16 who tested positive for the virus dropped by half. In other words, the more adults who are vaccinated, the more likely they are to test positive for the virus. In other words, as more adults were vaccinated, the percentage of children who tested positive decreased(668).

Vaccinated people are significantly less likely to be infected with the virus. Even if vaccinated people do contract the virus, the amount of virus is low, indicating that they are less infectious. As a result, the more people who are vaccinated, the less likely it is that an unvaccinated person will encounter an infected person.

Researchers in Finland reported that after health care workers were vaccinated, unvaccinated family members were also less likely to be infected with the virus.

These results provide observational evidence that vaccination not only protects those who have been vaccinated, but also mutually protects unvaccinated members of the community (669).


