
Every day is supported by repetition!

The power of repetition is simple, but amazing. Good athletes know the importance of repeated practice. Stores are also supported by customers who come back repeatedly. If you realize the power of repetition, you can break out of the rut of what seems like a monotonous day.

We often get tired or bored of doing the same thing over and over every day. Especially in the midst of the pandemic, our daily stay-home life seems more of a repetition of the same pattern.

A friend of mine wrote me an email, "I talk to my clients via email, phone, and video chat. The days are monotonous and repetitive. It's a strange and scary feeling, as if as soon as Sunday passes, it's Saturday!"

But you know, the power of repetition is amazing! If you are an athlete, you know the importance of practicing techniques repeatedly. As a Judo man myself, I have to practice the same technique over and over again, hundreds or thousands of times. The sensation of suddenly being able to throw an opponent with that technique in Randori (free practice) is beyond my words.

Repetition is a very simple act. In elementary schools in Japan, we learn Kanji characters by writing them repeatedly. I remember it was so painful that I used to run away from doing my homework. Today my wife laughs at my Kanji's stroke orders being completely wrong. This is the result of skipping the simple act of repetition!

The power of repetition can also be seen from the perspective of business. This owner of a hair salon that I am very close to said his sales had dropped by 20 to 30 percent due to the pandemic. But 70 to 80% of his sales are supported by his regular customers who kept coming back. Isn't that something to be thankful for!

Today, I will again wear a mask, wash my hands, and disinfect. This repetition will probably continue. But once you realize the power of repetition, the unpleasant feeling will fade a little.
