
地域主導型プロジェクトがもたらす地方創生の新潮流:The New Trend of Regional-Led Projects in Local Revitalization

近年、Web3という新技術が地方創生の鍵として注目されています。特に、大企業が推進するプロジェクトが多く見られます。例えば、日本航空と博報堂が手がける「KOKYO NFT」プロジェクトは、日本の伝統文化や特産品をNFT化し、グローバルに展開する試みです。このプロジェクトは技術的な斬新さと、地域文化のデジタル化を通じて国際的な関係人口を増やすことを目指しています。




Recently, Web3 technology has been highlighted as a key to local revitalization, with many projects being driven by large corporations. For example, the "KOKYO NFT" project, a collaboration between Japan Airlines and Hakuhodo, digitizes Japanese traditional arts and local products to present them globally. This project aims to innovate through technology and increase international engagement by reintroducing regional culture digitally.

However, there arises a question of whether these projects adequately reflect the uniqueness of the regions and the voices of local residents. I believe that it is more effective for regions to independently manage projects using their own resources. Cultivating local intellectuals and technologists to lead such initiatives can result in sustainable outcomes that truly benefit the local community.

For instance, the ”Kagawa Future Creation DAO” utilizes local talent to drive various projects under regional leadership. This DAO employs Web3 and AI technologies to digitize local culture and products, aiming to create new values while ensuring that the opinions and feelings of local residents are directly incorporated into the projects. This approach allows residents to actively participate and directly benefit from the outcomes.

While large corporate-led projects have their merits, regionally-driven projects better utilize local characteristics and directly incorporate residents' voices, thus promoting more grounded and sustainable development. We must recognize the importance of regions understanding and leveraging their own cultural and technological strengths to drive projects. To truly unearth and share the value of a region globally, it is essential that the region itself plays a central role.

#地方創生 #Web3地域プロジェクト #持続可能な開発
#LocalRevitalization #Web3Community #SustainableDevelopment
