
香川未来創生DAO:技術と地域を結び、新たな価値創造へ "Kagawa Future Creation DAO: Bridging Technology and Community for New Value Creation"











  1. 地域特産品や伝統工芸品の価値向上と新たな販路開拓

    • 地域の特産品や伝統工芸品を丁寧に撮影し、高品質なNFTアート作品として制作します。

    • 主要なNFTマーケットプレイス(例: OpenSea、Rarible)に作品を出品し、自社運営の販売プラットフォームも構築します。

  2. 地域の不動産の活性化と新たな投資機会の創出

    • 地域の不動産をNFT化し、透明性の高い取引を実現します。

    • 海外からの投資家に向けて、積極的なマーケティング活動を行います。

  3. NFT技術とAI技術による革新的な地域体験の提供

    • NFT技術や地域活性化に関するイベントを開催し、地域住民や観光客に新しい地域体験を提供します。

  4. 香川県をデジタル先進県として認識させる

    • 香川県を初代デジタル大臣を輩出したにふさわしい、デジタル先進県として認識させることを目指し、デジタル人材の育成やデジタルインフラの整備を積極的に進めていきます。


  1. 地域住民

    • 地域の特産品や伝統工芸品への愛着があり、地域経済の活性化に貢献したいと考えている人々。

  2. 観光客

    • 地域の文化や歴史を体験し、ユニークな商品を購入したいと考えている人々。

  3. NFT愛好家

    • 希少価値の高いデジタル資産に興味を持ち、革新的な技術を活用した新しい投資機会を探している人々。

  4. 投資家

    • 高い収益性を持つ投資先を探している人々。

  5. デザインスクールなどの教育機関

    • 学生にNFT技術や地域活性化について学ぶ機会を提供し、実践的な教育プログラムを開発したいと考えている機関。




In recent years, advancements in NFT and AI technologies have expanded the possibilities for new value creation. Kagawa Future Creation DAO is an advanced technology community that aims to revitalize the region by leveraging these technologies. Based in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, we aim to contribute to regional economic revitalization and cultural preservation by transforming local specialties, traditional crafts, and real estate into NFTs, thereby opening new markets.


NFT Art Project

We utilize AI technology to create unique digital art and sell it as NFTs. This project aims to merge art and technology to create new forms of artistic expression. For example, AI-generated beautiful animation art is targeted at anime fans, art collectors, and NFT enthusiasts, offering a futuristic approach to art. This brings new value to the art world.

Real Estate NFT Project

Our real estate NFT project promotes the digitalization of real estate using smart contract technology to enhance transparency and transaction efficiency. For instance, we simplify and expedite traditional real estate transactions through blockchain technology, aiming to attract new customer segments and expand the market. This brings innovative changes to the real estate sector.

Web3.0 and AI Learning Program

We offer educational programs covering the basics to the application of Web3.0 and AI technologies. These programs provide practical learning and teach business applications, equipping individuals with essential skills for the rapidly evolving technological landscape. For example, participants can learn the basics of blockchain technology and develop smart contracts, gaining vital skills for the modern world.

Value Proposition

  1. Enhancing the Value of Local Specialties and Traditional Crafts and Opening New Sales Channels

    • Carefully photograph local specialties and traditional crafts to create high-quality NFT art pieces.

    • List these pieces on major NFT marketplaces (e.g., OpenSea, Rarible) and build our own sales platform to facilitate direct communication with customers.

  2. Revitalizing Local Real Estate and Creating New Investment Opportunities

    • Digitize local real estate into NFTs to enable transparent transactions.

    • Engage in proactive marketing towards overseas investors.

  3. Providing Innovative Local Experiences Through NFT and AI Technologies

    • Organize events related to NFT technology and regional revitalization to offer new local experiences to residents and tourists.

  4. Positioning Kagawa Prefecture as a Digital Innovation Hub

    • Aim to recognize Kagawa Prefecture as a digital innovation hub befitting its history of producing Japan's first Digital Minister, by promoting projects that leverage NFT and AI technologies for regional revitalization.

    • Actively work on digital talent development and digital infrastructure improvement in collaboration with residents, businesses, and government agencies.

Target Customers

  1. Local Residents

    • People who cherish local specialties and traditional crafts and want to contribute to the local economy's revitalization.

  2. Tourists

    • Individuals interested in experiencing the culture and history of the region and purchasing unique, memorable items.

  3. NFT Enthusiasts

    • Those interested in rare digital assets and seeking new investment opportunities through innovative technology.

  4. Investors

    • Individuals looking for highly profitable investment opportunities and expecting growth in new markets.

  5. Educational Institutions like Design Schools

    • Institutions aiming to provide students with opportunities to learn about NFT technology and regional revitalization and develop practical educational programs in collaboration with local businesses.


Through these projects, Kagawa Future Creation DAO is taking new steps to collaborate with the local community and people worldwide to create a sustainable future. We promise to provide an inclusive environment based on the DAO philosophy, making it easy for all stakeholders to participate. We invite you to join us on this journey of new value creation with Kagawa Future Creation DAO.

#香川未来創生DAO #NFTアート #地域活性化 #デジタルイノベーション
#KagawaFutureCreationDAO #NFTArt #RegionalRevitalization
