
「技術革新時代における大企業の存在意義と日本のビジネスへの影響」 "The Role of Large Corporations in the Age of Technological Innovation and Its Impact on Japanese Businesses"










Tommy Yoshida氏は、大企業の正社員になることよりも、個人の専門性やスキルを活かした業務委託契約が増えると考えています。日本の起業家は、外部の専門家やフリーランサーと協力し、プロジェクトベースでの業務を進めることで、迅速な市場対応や新しいビジネスモデルの構築が可能となるでしょう。特に、技術進化が急速に進む分野では、企業内に全てのリソースを抱えるよりも、必要に応じて外部のリソースを活用する方が効率的です。


English Version:

The Role of Large Corporations and Its Transformation in the Modern Era

In the modern business world, rapid technological advancements such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), blockchain, DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are reshaping traditional business models. These innovations are challenging the fundamental principles upon which large corporations have built their value and operations, leading to a reconsideration of their roles.

Blockchain, for instance, enhances transparency and reliability by reducing the need for centralized control. In sectors like finance and logistics, blockchain is being increasingly adopted to prevent document tampering and enable faster, more accurate transactions. One notable example is Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, which is working on developing a blockchain-based digital currency. This illustrates how large corporations are being forced to reconsider their centralized systems by integrating new technologies.

Furthermore, NFTs are revolutionizing industries like digital art and entertainment by redefining ownership and value exchange. In 2021, Square Enix, a major Japanese gaming company, introduced an NFT-based system for trading in-game items, demonstrating how large corporations are exploring new revenue models through these emerging technologies.

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) represents a shift away from traditional hierarchical structures, offering transparent, decentralized decision-making processes. This challenges the top-down management style of large corporations, enabling employees and stakeholders to participate directly in corporate decisions. The DAO model is gaining traction in global projects, with Japanese startups, such as LayerX, leveraging DAOs to enhance transparency in local government projects.

Moreover, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is significantly improving operational efficiency, automating customer service, and generating new forms of competitive advantage through data analysis. SoftBank Group in Japan is actively using AI to provide cutting-edge robotics and IoT solutions. With AI's ability to process data and assist in decision-making rapidly, it is becoming a critical tool for large corporations, especially in global expansion efforts.

The advent of these technologies means that large corporations can no longer rely solely on their ability to offer stable employment or execute large-scale projects. They must now explore new business models and methods of delivering value to stay relevant in the rapidly changing marketplace.

Insights for Japanese Businesses

For Japanese companies and entrepreneurs, effectively utilizing these technologies is key to future growth and maintaining a competitive edge. For example, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can use blockchain to create transparent supply chain management systems, competing against larger corporations. Additionally, adopting AI for improving operational efficiency and reducing human resource dependencies can enable SMEs to thrive with limited resources.

Tommy Yoshida believes that the traditional model of lifetime employment at large corporations will give way to an increasing number of project-based contracts that leverage individual expertise. Japanese entrepreneurs can benefit by collaborating with external professionals and freelancers, enabling them to respond more quickly to market changes and build innovative business models. In rapidly evolving sectors like technology, it is more efficient for companies to rely on external resources rather than internalizing all capabilities.

For instance, Japanese businesses can accelerate smart city development or renewable energy projects by partnering with AI and digital technology professionals. NEC and Fujitsu are leading examples, collaborating with external partners on smart city projects. SMEs can adopt a similar approach, using these technologies to drive innovation and remain competitive in the global market.

#技術革新 #ビジネス戦略 #分散型組織
#TechnologicalInnovation #BusinessStrategy #DecentralizedOrganizations
