




→Yeah. か I see. になりがち…パッと出ない






記事の中にあった"I owe you an apology." という言い方を、最近見始めた「YOU」というネトフリドラマのセリフで聞こえたのが嬉しかった…講師の方もこのドラマ見てたようで、完走したらまたその話もしたい



●The cherry blossoms have almost all fallen because of the continuous rain last week.

●This drama has been going on for quite some time now.
for some time→ for a fairly long period of time
going on→nearly or almost (a particular number, age, time, or amount)


●We don't meet in person these days, always by text.

●When the deadline is missed
(over the deadlineって言った…)

●We have to put up with them.

●Some people stubbornly refuse to admit they are wrong.

●I got into VTubers about 6 months ago.
("I began to like VTubers about 6 months ago."と言ったのも間違ってはなさそう…だけど…)

●They ride the bike when they go to school, but as for us, we don't usually ride our bikes to school.




講師の方がめちゃくちゃ読書家なようで、本の話題で話に火をつけてしまった…(?) そして、最近こんな本買ったんだけどね!内容がね!という、細かい部分で1つ分からない単語が出てくると途端に相手の言っていることを正しく受け取れているのか自信がなくなって、ますます相槌しか打てなくなる…





The scene where she found the box hidden in the bathroom made me scream.

●He was trying to change his mindin a new place.

●I might dream of it.

●Actually, I have a crush on Joe. Even if he is very obsessed.



●Please let me know if there is anything wrong with the pronunciation.

●What phrases for you is familiar?
familiar→easy to recognize because of being seen, met, heard, etc. before

●It's not commonly used, but sometimes I can hear it or read it, it's why I know it as well but it's also not used in typical conversations. We just say "whatever you like."

→"whatever floats your boat."という記事で書かれている表現に対して。
PlayPhrase.meで調べたら映画とかで使われてる場面はありそうだけど、どちらにしろ"whatever you like."の方が使いやすそう…

●I hate my room when I'm busy at work, but on my days off I love my room the best.
(day offの複数形はdays offなんか…)

●Today I actually spent my time like this.

●I like to keep on buying books even if I'm not yet finished reading my other books.

second hand→中古

●It was on the shelf in the children's book section.

●There are people that are good at hiding their emotions. So even if they're sad they want to look happy so that other people will not be concerned to about them.

ups and downs
→If someone or something experiences ups and downs, a mixture of good and bad things happens to him, her, or it:

(例)In life we have our ups and downs.

"This is the life."と"That's life."

I was surprised that "This is the life." means good, but "That's life." means bad.

●We use “That's life”, if you are referring to things that are difficult that always happens in life.

●If you are happy and you feel content, you can say “This is the life”.
content にこういう意味もあるの知らなかった…)







●It's ridiculous. I don't know what's going on.

●But for some reason, it started snowing here.
for some reason→前も聞いたことあるやつ…

●My hay fever is recently under control.


●A lot of words are being used actively in our language as well, but they're not officially introduced into the main dictionary here, but I think they over time they include certain words.
○ over time→時間(の経過)と共に

●I looked it up on Google's Japanese translation.

●I wouldn't want to work as a dictionary editor. All the working with books like the proofreading is actually quite interesting. Sometimes my students ask me to fix your sentences or proofread something for them. It is very fun, but I don't know if I could do it for a long time like as a job.

●My favorite VTubers are from many different countries, and I found the Canadian accented English very easy to listen to.
(NIJISANJI ENいろんな国のアクセントが聞けて楽しい…皆好きだけど、カナダのアクセントすごいスッキリしてて聞きやすいなー!と思った)


●How do you learn new vocabulary?
Do you write it down somewhere or what do you do with those new words?

●I usually use this vocabulary book. If I don't know a word, I write it in the notebook and put it on the wall, and when I learn it, I take it off. I repeat it over and over.

●I used to write down words  but these days l do not write them so much and it's a big mistake. I should write down those words to use them more often.

One little tipfor when you find a new word.  

●There are many katakana Japanese words of English origin.
