
[妄想] 反物質の対消滅(Annihilation)(4)

It's a little off topic, but here are some points to be worried about.

陽電子から自由電子レーザーすると、光はどう出るんだろうか? 陽電子を、時間を逆向する電子とみたたて良いのかどうか?
陽電子からの輻射を考えた時に、普通に観測したときと、時間を逆行する空間から観測したときとで、マクセル方程式の解の扱いを変える必要がある? 電子でも同じ?

How does light come out when a free electron laser is emitted from a positron? Is it okay to think of positrons as electrons that reverse time?
Is it necessary to handle the solution of the Maxwell's equation differently when considering the radiation from positrons, when observing normally and when observing from a space that reverses the time? Is it the same with electrons?
I tried to illustrate my question. It is premised on the case of radiation of light from a free electron laser.

