
The shadow of the letter X appearing in stock price trends (株価推移に現れたX文字の影)


During the last six months, I started buying and selling securities. I analyzed various changes in market value of securities held during this period. One of these analyzes involved mapping the market value to the phase space of dynamic dynamics. First, the graph below shows the trends in market value of securities held over the past six months.

Trends in market value of securities held


Fortunately, macroscopically, it is monotonically increasing. I hope that the price will continue to rise in the future. The graph below is the result of mapping this market value onto phase space.

Mapping market value to phase space


As the days went on, I noticed that I started to see the shadow of the letter "X" in phase space. When I started buying and selling securities, I only had a vague idea of simple proportional relationships. The graph at this time is shown below.

Early graph of stock trading

At this point, I don't know what the meaning behind this shadow of the letter X is, but I thought it was interesting after looking at the graph, so I'd like to introduce it to you.

that's all

Thank you.
