
3 good things 2/9

1.Barber shop
When I got to a barber shop, I realized that I had booked the shop by mistake for a hair salon. It's been a while since I went to a barber shop last time. I'm not sure when the last time is, but it is when I was an elementary school student at least. The barber shop was so comfortable that I almost fell asleep. A hairdresser gave me a shave. This especially felt good. I will go to a barber  shop next time, too.

床屋に着いたとき、美容院と床屋を間違えて予約したことに気づきました。 前回床屋に行ってからだいぶ経ちます。 前回がいつだったのかは定かではありませんが、少なくとも私が小学生の頃です。床屋はとても快適で、私はあやうく眠りそうになりました。 理容師さんに顔を剃ってもらいました。 これが特に気持ちよかったです。 私は次も床屋に行きます。

2.Tantan noodle
As a tantan noodle I cooked yesterday was fake, I had come to want to eat a real one. So I ate it for lunch. As expected, an authentic tantan noodle was scrumptious.

昨日作った担々麺は偽物でしたので、本物の担々麺が食べたくなりました。 そこで、今日のお昼に食べました。やはり本物の担々麺はおいしかったです。

3.Dance lesson
I was able to join a dance lesson today as usual. I might have a chance to dance on a stage this year.


Thank you for reading.

Tantan noodle
