
二胡:Erhu is necessary for me

I had my erhu lesson yesterday and also enjoyed playing it during the weekend. Playing erhu reduces my stress. It helps me to keep my mental condition well. Recently, sad news are continuing. It is important to know what is going on throughout Japan and the world. However, the news give me stress and I stopped watching TV. At least, if I don't look through websites, I won't see them often compared to the TV news.

By the way, I looked up about erhu by Bing Chat as below.

Explanation of erhu by Bing Chat

Erhu is a traditional Chinese bowed string instrument. It is played with a bow that is placed between two strings. The body of the instrument is covered with python skin. Erhu can produce a wide range of sounds, from soft and gentle to bold and powerful, and even animal sounds.

Bing Chat

Bing Chat gives more current information than Chat GPT. It might be a better tool in order to get new information.

 There are big events coming up for my erhu's school this year. The recital will be held in July. It will be my third time to attend it. Moreover, an examination will be held in October. The erhu's examination started a few years ago at my school and I passed the beginner level, grade 1 in 2022. I will be challenging the next level, grade 2. Some students already passed the grade 2 last year. I was busy with other things, so I chose not to take it. 

I have been practicing the songs of grade 2 from last year, so I hope I can play well enough to pass it this year. I also need to memorize all the 3 songs. It's necessary for me to keep practicing. I want to enjoy playing erhu for my mental health and also for the events.
